Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/116

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LIEZEN-MAYER Antwerp, was received into the guild in 103.'), and took the freedom of that city in 1640 ; still living there in 1643, he is heard of at Amsterdam as early as 1652, and lived temporarily (1652-54 and 1661-71) at The Hague, where he was registered in the guild in 1661. Works : Visitation of the Virgin, Louvre, Paris ; Christ on the Cross (1671), Nancy Museum ; Allegory on Peace, Portraits of Admiral Tromp and his "Wife, Amsterdam Museum ; St. Peter, Rot- terdam Museum ; Scipio Africanus, Town Hall, Leyden ; Abraham's Sacrifice, Bruns- wick Museum ; St. Luke, Schwerin Gallery ; Hustle Interior, Turin Gallery ; Portrait of a Boy, Berlin Museum ; Male Portraits (2), Dresden Museum ; do., Old Pinakothek, Munich ; others in Bergamo, Cassel, Copen- hagen, and Oldenburg (2) Galleries, Cologne, Vienna, and Weimar Museums, Czernin Gal- lery, Vienna. Allgem. d. Biogr., xix. 21 ; Ch. Blanc, foole hollandaise ; Engcrth, Belvedere Galerie, ii. 243 ; Imnierzeel, ii. 181 ; Kramm, iv. '.198 ; Kuglcr (Crowe), ii. 3D1 ; Riegel, Beitrage, ii. 253 ; Van Zeitschr. f. 1>. K., iv. 5, ALEXANDER, born den Brandon, <S 2 60. LIE/KN-MAYER, in Raab, Hungary, Jan. 24, 1831). History and por- trait painter, pupil of Vi- enna and Munich Acad- emies, then of Pilot y ; made his first success in 1S67 with Maria Theresa nursing a Poor Child ; then illustrated Schiller and Goethe, and in 1870 went to Vienna, where he painted the Em- peror. After his return to Munich he paint- ed scenes from Cymbeline and Faust, made illustrations for Scheffel's Ekkehard, Schil- ler's Lay of the Bell, and Goethe's Faust. Director of Stuttgart Art School in 1880 ; professor at Munich Academy in 1883. Works : Coronation of Charles of Durazzo (1862) ; Canonization of Elizabeth of Thu- riugia, Maria Theresa nursing Poor Child (1867) ; Imogen and Jachimo, Faust and Margaret, Elizabeth signing Mary Stuart's Death- Warrant (1875) ; Irmgard and Ingo (1877) ; Portrait of Emperor Francis Jo- seph ; Chorus of Nereids (1880), Mira- cle of Roses (1883), National Museum, Pesth ; First Love (1884). Dioskuren, 1865 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1873), i. 9 ; (1875), i. 238; ii. 9 ; (1877), ii. 531 ; (1880), i. 454 ; Kunst-Chronik, xv. 467 ; xvii. 261 ; xviii. 60 ; La Ilustracion (1880), i. 363 ; Miiller, 337 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., ii. 97 ; xv. 60 ; xix. 230. LIFE, CIRCUIT OF, Hans Canon, Muse- um of Natural History, Vienna ; canvas, on ceiling. One of the largest canvases ever painted, the figures being three times life-size. Allegorical illustration of the birth and death of organic matter. In fore- ground, Thought trying to solve the riddle of life ; in middleground, a bridge with many persons of all ages, their movements expressing the struggle for existence and the strife for fame and power ; at left, a precipice and scenes of death ; in the shad- ow of the bridge's arch, the sphinx. Paint- ed in 1884-85. Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 491 ; xx. 284; Illustr. Zeitg. (1885), ii. 363. LIFE'S IN THE OLD DOG YET, Sir Edwin Lamheer, John Naylor, London ; canvas. An old deer-hound, over-eager in pursuit of a deer, has followed his prey in a desperate leap from a high cliff ; an an- cient sportsman, let down by a rope, sus- tains the head of the dog and announces to his companions above, in the words which give a title to the picture, that he is still alive. Royal Academy, 1838 ; Manchester Exhibition, 1857. LIGHT AND DARKNESS, SEPARA- TION OF, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceiling. LIGHT OF THE WORLD, William Hoi- man Hunt, Keble College, Oxford ; canvas. The Saviour standing, with a lantern in his hand, at a closed door, under a star-lit sky. Painted in 1854. Presented by Mrs. Thom- as Combe to Keble College.