Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/117

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LIJS. LIJS. See Lys. LILITH, Dante Gabriel liosfteiti, Mr. Al- exander Stevenson, Tjnemoutli, England ; canvas. Illustration of Rossetti's sonnet, Lilith. According to ancient legend, the witch Lilith, Adam's first wife, who was as cruel as she was lovely, is immortal, and still lures men into her snares. In the picture she is lolling back in a chair, con- templating her features in a mirror held in her left hand, while she draws her right hand through her pale golden hair which falls in masses about her throat and shoul- ders. Painted in 1864. Athenaeum (1873), 407. LIMBORCH (Limborgh), HENDRIK VAN, born at The Hague in 1G80, died in 1758. Dutch school ; history, land- scape, and portrait painter, pupil of Adrian van der Werff, of whom he was a faithful but feeble imitator. Works : Repose in Egypt, Golden Age, Louvre Cupid and Psyche, Shepherds, Amsterdam Museum ; Achilles recognized by Ulysses, Rotterdam Museum ; Venus and Cupid, Dresden Gallery ; Musical Company (?), I i . Liechtenstein b Qy Cfl t Gallery, Vienna. Ch. Blanc, Ecole hollandaise ; Immerzeel, ii. 178 ; Kramm, iv. 984 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 539. LIN, HERMAN VAN, called Stilheid, flourished in Utrecht about 1G59-70, when he appears there as member and several times as dean of the guild. Dutch school ; genre and battle painter. Works : Battle near Rome (1658), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Cav- alry Combat under the Walls of a Fortress (1650), Horseman and Horse laden with Deer following Huntsmen, Woman and Child on a Donkey, Dresden Museum ; Dead and Wounded Soldiers plundered on Blind Man's Buff, l 71 ' n V LJ I m Battlefield, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Cav- alry Combat in the Mountains (1058), Schwe- rin Gallery ; Cavalry Combat (1664), Vienna Museum. Schlie, 346. LINDAU, DIETRICH WILHELM, born in Dresden in 1799, died in Rome in 1862. Genre painter, pupil of Dresden Academy under Christian Ferdinand Hartmann ; went as royal pensionary to Italy, and settled in Rome in 1821 ; his truthful scenes from Italian popular life met with great favor. Works : Thorvaldsen with his Pupils in an Italian Inn, Thorvaldseu Museum, Copen- hagen ; October Festival near Rome (1832), ! Leipsic Museum ; Italian Peasants return- ing from Harvest, Villa Rosenstein near Stuttgart, Cotta's Kunstbl. (1840), 15. LIXDEGREX, AMALIA, born in Stock- holm in 1814. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Stockholm Academy ; went in 1850 to Diisseldorf and thence to Paris, where she studied until 1854 under Cogniet and Tissier ; then visited Munich and Rome, and Paris again in 1855-56. Member of Stockholm Academy since 1856. Works : The Pilgrims; Mother and Child, Grand- father and Granddaughter (1853), Chris- tiania Gallery ; Girl with Oranges, Break- fast, Dance in Peasant's Cottage, Stockholm Museum ; Pifferari. Miiller, 338. LIXDEMAXN-FROMMEL, KARL (AU- GUST), born at Mar- kirch, Alsace, Aug. 19, 1819. Landscape paint- er, nephew and pupil of Karl Ludwig Frommel in Carlsruhe, where ho studied after the old masters in the gallery and from nature ; about 1840 he visited North Italy, and after a year's stay in Munich, where he was inspired by Rottmann and also influenced by Olivier, returned to Carls- ruhe, whence he went to Rome in 1845 ; then to England in 1849, where his water- colours were in great demand. Newly at- tracted to Munich, he went thence to Paris, 81