Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/155

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LYSAllDE pil of Cornells Poelenburg, whom he imi- tated successfully in choice of subjects, neat- ness of treatment, and colouring. Works : Soldiers and Women, Diana Bathing, Mr. Bisshop, Amsterdam ; Landscape with Ro- man Ruins and Bathing Shepherdesses (by Dirck van der Lisse ?), Mountainous Valley with Fishermen and Shepherds, Wood Landscape jryr with Bathing J/? , Nymphs, Bruns- wick Gallery. Immerzeel, ii. 191 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 189 ; Burger, Musi'e, ii. 282. LYSARDE (Lyzardi), NICHOLAS, Eng- lish painter of IGth century, died in Lon- don, April, 1570. In the service of Henry VIII. and Edward VI; sergeant-painter to Queens Mary and Elizabeth. Painted his- torical subjects. Redgrave. LYTRAS, N., born in Athens, Greece ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy. Works : Anti- gone ; Death of Patriarch Gregorius ; After Pillage by Pirates ; Oriental Kitchen ; Dis- obedient Grandson. Miiller, 345. LYVERSBERG PASSION. Cologne Mu- seum ; a series of eight pictures, by an un- known master, on wood, each H. 3 ft. x 2 ft. 3 in. Subject : The Passion of Christ. 1. Last Supper ; 2. Betrayal ; 3. Christ before Pilate ; 4. Mocking of Christ ; 5. Christ bearing the Cross ; G. Crucifixion ; 7. Entombment ; 8. Resurrection. Painted about 14G3-90 ; for- merly attributed to Israel von Meckenem. Belonged to the Collection of Hcrr Lyvers- berg, Cologne, then to Mine. Baumeister, his daughter, from whom passed in 1864 to the Museum. Cologne Cat.; Kugler (Crowe), i. 132 ; do., Kl. Schrifteu, ii. 301 ; W. & W., ii. 95. MAAS (Maes), DIRK, born in Haarlem, Sept. 12, 1G56, died there, Dec. 25, 1717. Dutch school ; pupil of Hen- clrik Mommers, of Nicolaas Berchem, and of Hughteiiburgh, whose style he adopted. He painted landscapes with animals in the manner of the former, but especially horses and battle-pieces in the latter's style. Spent some time in England during the reign of William HI, and painted the Battle of the Boyne for the Duke of Portland. Works : Battle of the Boyue, Colonel Wyndham, Petworth, England ; Camp with Horsemen, Rotterdam Party Rest- ing, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Cavalry Skir- mish, Pillage on Battlefield, Moltke Collec- tion, Copen- hagen ; A Camp, Her- mitage, S t . Petersburg. Immerzeel, ii. 192 ; Kramm, iv. 1031 ; Van der Willigen, 205. MAAS, NICOLAAS. See J/m-x. MABUSE, JAN VAN (Mabnsius, Malbo- dius, Mabog- gio,Mobugius), born at Man- be u g c ( H a i - nault), about 1470, died in Antwerp in 1541. Flem- ish school. Real name Jan Gossart or Gos- saert. History painter, admitted in 1503 to guild in Antwerp, where he practised till 1507, when he went to Italy, the first artist of the Netherlands who visited that coun- try ; was in Rome, 1508-13, ill suite of Philip, natural son of Philip the Good, in whose service he remained until Philip's death at Utrecht in 1524. Before he went to Italy he painted chiefly religious subjects in the style of the later Van Eyck school, and his pictures show great knowledge of composition, warm colouring, and solidity of execution. Among his works of this period are : Adoration of Magi, Castle How- 117