Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/156

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MACALLUM aril, England ; Legend of Count of Tou- louse, Scawby, Lincolnshire ; Four Marys returning from Tomb of Christ, Righteous Judges, Antwerp Museum. After 1512 his style changed, and he painted mythological and allegorical subjects and introduced nude figures into his pictures. In his second man- ner are : Neptune and Amphitrite (1510), Madonna (2), Girl weighing Gold Pieces, Berlin Museum ; Madonna (1527), DanaO (1527), Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Ecce Homo, Antwerp Museum ; Children of Christian II., Adam and Eve, Hampton Court (replica in Berlin Museum) ; Jesus lit Simon the Pharisee's, Brussels Museum ; Adoration of Magi, Dresden Gallery ; St. Luke painting the Virgin, Prague Cathe- dral ; Portrait of Jean Carondelet (1517), Madonna (1517), Louvre ; Madonna, Ma- drid Museum ; Christ in the Prn:torium (1527), Madonna (2), Historical Society, New York. Other works in public gal- leries : Madonna, Portrait of Margaret of Austria, Young Lady's Portrait, Antwerp Museum ; Ecce Homo, Ghent Museum ; Altai-piece with Trinity, Prophets, Saints, etc., Cassel Gallery ; Madonna, Fiirstenberg Gallery, Donaueschingen ; Portrait of Mother and Child (Marchioness van Vere?), Dres- den Gallery ; Adoration of the Magi, Kr>- nigsberg Museum ; Madonna in Landscape with Flight into Egypt, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Madonna at a Window, Olden- burg Gallery ; Madonna, St. Luke painting the Virgin, Circumcision, Vienna Museum ; Madonna, Wiesbaden Gallery ; do. (2), Ber- gamo Gallery ; Male Portraits (2), National Gallery, London. Allgem. d. Biogr., ix. 404 ; Biog. nat. MALBODIUS Jo Belgique, viii. 124; Ch. Blanc, tfcole flamande ; Engerth, Belved. Gal., ii. 251 ; Fetis, Cat. du Mus. roy, 119 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1861), xi. 34 ; Immerzeel, ii. 193 ; Kramm, iv. 1034 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 118, 232 ; Kunst-Chronik, xx. 485 ; Law, Hist. Cat. Hampton Court, 137, 198 ; Mi- chiels, iv. 425 ; v. 7, 4GG ; Riegel, Beitriige, i. 5 ; Rooses (Reber), 63 ; Scharf, Archa> ologia, xxxis. 245 ; Van den Branden, 95 ; Woltrnann, Aus vier Jahrhuud., 28 ; W. & W., ii. 517 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xix. 304. MACALLUM, HAMILTON, born in Ar- gyllshire in 1843. Marine and genre paint- er, pupil of Royal Academy, London. Sub- jects mostly drawn from the Highlands of Scotland and the north coast. Works in oil : Bracken Boat (1870) ; Slack the Main- sheet (1873) ; Saithe Fishing in the Kyles of Bute (1874) ; Eight Bells, Setting the Storm Jib (1875) ; Shearing Wraick on the Sound of Harris (1876) ; Caught by the Tide, Beetling (1877); Waiting for the Ebb, Shrimping (1878) ; Nutting, Water Frolic, Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep (1880) ; Prawning (1881) ; Music o'er the Waters (1882) ; Fledglings (1885) ; Kiss from the Sea (1886). Works in water-colour : Cut- ting Peats (1872) ; Catching Sprats (1875) ; Burning Kelp (1876); Yo ! Heave Yo ! (1877). 1 Art Journal (1880), 149. MACBETH, BANQUET SCENE IN, Daniel Maclise, Frederick W. Cosens, Esq. A vaulted hall with tables spread with bar- baric splendour ; the guests, nearly seventy, startled at the apparition of Banquo, whose figure is indicated in shadow on a chair in foreground ; near it, Macbeth, seated, starts back in terror, while his wife, standing, tries to calm the guests with an affectation of bold assurance. Painted in 1840 for Earl of Chesterfield, from whom passed to pres- ent owner. Small replica, T. Williams, St. John's Wood. Engraved by C. W. Sharpe. Art Journal (1879), 36. MACBETH AND THE WITCHES, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Lord Leconfield, Petworth House. The witches dancing around the cauldron, as Macbeth approaches. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 37. MACBETH, NORMAN, born at Port Glas- gow, Scotland ; contemporary. Portrait and figure painter in Glasgow many years. Went to Edinburgh in 1860 ; elected R.S.A. in 1880. Exhibits frequently at the Royal 118