Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/181

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MADONNA. 300 by Mr. Nieuwenhuys, of Brussels, who sold it in 1831 to M. Delaliante ; afterwards ill the Aguado Collection, Paris, on the sale of which, in 1843, bought by M. Delessert, Paris, for 27,250 francs ; bought at Deles- sert sale in 18G9 for 150,000 francs for Due d'Aumale, then living at Orleans House, Twickenham ; returned to France, and ex- hibited in 1874 in Palace Bourbon, Paris, with other pictures of the duke's collection, and finally placed at Chautilly. It is in per- fect preservation. Engraved by C. du Flos ; H. Dupont ; J. J. Huber ; Landon ; J. P. Seiter ; B. Hofel ; E. Forster (1838) ; F. Gaillard (1869). Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 322 ; Passavant, ii. 45 ; Miintz, 171 ; C. & C., Raphael, i. 283 ; Gaz. des Beaux Arts (18G9), i. 10G, 322 ; (1876), xiii. 200 ; (1878), xviii. 209 ; Paillard, Petite Madone d'Orluans (Paris, 1878); Cab. Crozat, i. PL 24 ; Gruy- er, Vierges de Raphael, iii. 53 ; Liibke, Raphael, 33, 98 ; New York Evening Post, March, 188G. MADONNA, OTTOBON, Giovanni An- tonio Pordfnonc, Venice Academy ; canvas, H. 8 ft, 8 in. x. 'J ft. G in. The Virgin, her mantle held up by angels, is on a pedestal, with two saints at her sides ; in a gallery fronting the pedestal is a monk in prayer, and seven members of the family of Ottobon kneel and stand. Painted about 1525 for Ottobon family at Pordenoue ; bought in Rome by Cauova, and placed in his chapel at Possaguo, whence acquired for academy by exchange. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 265; Zanotto, Piuac. Ven. MADONNA, PAELE. See Madonna of Canon van der Paele. MADONNA, PANSHANGER. See Ma- donna, Niccoliui ; Madonna, Cowper. MADONNA WITH THE PARTRIDGES, See Repose in Egypt, Anton Van Dyck, Her- mitage. MADONNA DEL PASSEGGIO (of the Promenade), Raphael, Bridgewater House, London ; wood, transferred to canvas, H. 2 ft. 9 in. x 1 ft. 11 in. The Virgin, standing in a field, clasping the arm of Jesus, who stands in front of her ; beside them, St. John with the cross, with his face close to that of Jesus ; at right, St. Joseph behind a bush. Painted for Duke of Urbino, who gave it to the King of Spain ; he sent it to Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, whence it passed to Queen Christina and the Orleans Gallery ; bought in 1798 by Duke of Bridgewater for .3,000. Considered a copy, by Giovanni Francesco Penni, of the original, which is lost. Many other copies. Engraved by Anderlo- Madonna del Passeegio, Raphael, Bridgewater House, London. ni ; N. de Larmessin ; J. Pesnc ; H. Gutten- berg ; A. Legrand ; J. Head and S. Middi- man ; Tomkins ; Landon. Cab. Crozat, i. PI. 20 ; Gruyer, Vierges de Raphael, iii. 377 ; Passavant, ii. 331 ; Liibke, Raphael, 78, 114 ; Klas. der Malerei, i. PI. 32 ; Waa- gen, Treasures, ii. 28, 403 ; Reveil, vii. 487. MADONNA OF THE PEOPLE. See Madonna del Popolo. MADONNA DEL PESCE (Virgcn del Pez, of the Fish), Raphael, Madrid Museum; wood, transferred (1815) to canvas, H. 6 ft. 143