Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/182

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MADONNA. 1 in. x 5 ft. 3 in. The Virgin, on a throne, holding Jesus, who is luilf rising from her knees ; at left, Angel Raphael presents young Tobias, who holds in his hand the miracu- lous lish which has restored his father's sight ; on right, St. Jerome reading. Paint- ed in Home al>out 1514 for S. Domenico, Naples ; removed, in spite of the resistance of the monks, in 1(138, by the Duke of Me- dina do las Torres, then Spanish viceroy of Naples, who took it to Spain in 1(544. In 1G5G became property of Philip IV., and Madonna del Pesce, Raphael, Madrid Museum. placed in Escorial ; carried in 1813 to Paris, where transferred to canvas by M. Bonne- maison ; restored to Spain in 1822. En- graved by Fr. Selrna (1782) ; Bartolozzi ; Boucher-Desnoyers (1822) ; P. Lignon (1822) ; P. Peree (1852) ; J. M. Enzig- Muller ; Steinla (1856). Passavant, ii. 124; Miintz, 381 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 348 ; Grayer, Vierges do Raphael, iii. 533 ; Springer, 214 ; Madrazo, 184 ; Liibke, Raphael, 5G, 107. MADONNA DI PESCIA. See Madonna del Baldacchino. MADONNA DELLAPIETA, GmWoReni, Bologna Gallery ; canvas, H. 20 ft. 10 in. x 10 ft. 5 in. Above, the Virgin, between two angels, standing, laments over the dead body of Christ, which is stretched on a bier cov- ered with a yellow drapery ; below, Sail Carlo Borromeo with a crucifix, St. Proculus in armour, St. Francis, St. Petronius kneel- ing, and St. Dominick ; beneath them, city of Bologna, in relief, and at sides four boy angels. Painted by order of Senate of Bo- logna, and placed in S. M. della Pieta ; car- ried to Paris in 17!)G ; returned in 1815. Admirable in drawing and colour, this pict- ure is regarded as Guide's masterpiece. Engraved by Trabalesi ; F. Rosaspina. Pi- nac. di Bologna, PI. 23 ; Lavice, 14. MADONNA DEL PILASTRO (of the Pi- laster), Garofalo, Ferrara Gallery ; wood, H. 9 ft. 2. in. x 5 ft. 9 in. The Virgin and Child enthroned on a pilaster, attended by SS. Jerome, John Baptist, Francis of Assisi, and Anthony of Padua ; with a portrait of a lady of the Trotti family, the donors. Formerly in S. Francesco, Ferrara. Cat. Ferrara Gal. MADONNA WITH THE PINK, Raphael, no original known. Virgin giving a pink to Jesus, who is seated in her lap. Many copies by Raphael's subordinates exist, the best of which is in the collection of Count Luigi Spada, Lucca. Others at Alnwick, Leipsic, Rome, Urbino, Stockholm, Basle, Geneva, and Wurzburg. Engraved by J. Boulanger; J. Wolff; De Poilly ; J. Con- vay ; Povelato (1780) ; Duthe ; Gio. Far- rugia (1829) ; Lehman and Chevron (1852). Passavant, ii. G3 ; C. & C., Raphael, i. 343 ; Gruyer, Vierges do Raphael, iii. 60 ; Liibke, Raphael, 35, 99. MADONNA DEL POPOLO (of the Peo- ple), Federigo Barocci, Uffizi, Florence ; wood, figures life-size, signed, dated 1579. The Virgin interceding with Christ to give his blessing to several gentlemen who are bestowing alms upon the poor. Painted for the parish church at Arezzo, whence re- moved to Uffizi in 1787. Bellori, Vita dei Pittori, 105. 144