Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/218

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MAGRATII xx. 75 ; Art Journal (1872), 255 ; Im ncuen Reich (1872), ii. 522 ; (1873), 271 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 141 ; Kunst-Chrouik, viii. 521, 537 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malerscli., 142. MAGRATH, WILLIAM, born in Ireland in 1835. Landscape and figure painter. Studied and practised art in America. Elected an A.X.A. in 1874, and N.A. in 1870. Painted in London in 1883. Studio in Washington. Works in oil : Road to Kemnair (1870) ; Reveille (1871) ; Empty Flagon (1873) ; Rustic Courtship, Content- ment (187(!) ; Girl Spinning, Paddy's Pets (1877) ; Adirondack Slopes (1878) ; Court- j yard with Donkey, F. Harper, New York ; First Proposal, Gardener, T. B. Clarke, ib. ; On the Old Sod (1870) ; Interesting Item (1883) ; Sop for Neddy (1884). Waiter-col- ours : Wilds of Connemara ; Irish Interior Girl Spinning Yarn ; Dairy Maid ; Fish- erman's Daughter ; Grandfather's Pets (Charles Stewart Smith, New York), Mus- sel-Gatherers (Robert Gordon, ib.), Nora, Irish Thatched Cottage, On the Hillside (1870) ; Rue d'Epicurie and the Cathedral at Rouen, La Grosse Horloge Rouen (1884); Recreation (1885) ; "Ah! Rory, be aisey, don't ta/e mo no more ! " (1886). MAHLKXFCHT, JOSKF ANTON, born at St. ririch, Groden, Tyrol, about 1834, died in Munich, April 0, 1809. History and portrait painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Philipp Foltz and Joliann Sclirau- dolph, (hen in Vienna of Fiihrich ; spent eight months in Venice in 1858, and then some time in Rome ; went to Munich again about 18(52. Works : Christ blessing Little Children (1858) ; Philemon and Baucis ; St. Notburga feeding the Poor (18(53) ; Philip- pine Welser with her Children before Em- peror Ferdinand at Prague, Portrait of Professor Pichler (1854), do. of the Sculptor Dominik Mahlknecht, Ferdinandeum, Inns- bruck. Allgem. d. Biogr., xx. 9G ; Wurz- bach, xvi. 283. MAHU, CORNELIS, born at Antwerp in 1013, died there, Nov. 15, 1G80. Flemish school ; still-life painter, master of the Ant- werp guild in 1G38. Works : Bumper with Lobster, Fruit, etc. (1048), Berlin Museum ; similar subject, Ghent Museum. Van den Branden, 1112. MAID AND MAGPIE, Sir Edwin Land- Kcer, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 11 in. A milkmaid, milking a cow in a shed, is so intent upon what a young man behind her is saying that she does not observe that a magpie is carrying off a silver spoon placed in one of two wood- en shoes by her side. Scene from the tale of "The Maid and The Magpie," which Ros- sini has made the subject of his opera of "La Gazza Ladra," Royal Academy, 1858; bequeathed by Jacob Bell in 1859. En- graved by S. Cousins. Cat. Nat. Gal.; Stephens, 97 ; Wornum, Epochs. MAIDS OF HONOUR. See Meninas, Las. MAIGNAN, ALBERT, born at Beaumont (Sarthe); contempo- rary. History and landscape p a i n t e r, pupil of Noel and Luminais. Medals : 3d class, 1874; 2d class, 1870; 1st class, 1879 ; L. of Hon- our, 1883. Works: Sailing of the Nor- man Fleet (1874) ; Insulting the Prisoners (1875, scene from Albigensian Crusade) ; Frederick Barbarossa at the Feet of the Pope (1870) ; Christ the Comforter (1878) ; Louis IX. consoling a Leper (1878), Angers Museum ; Christ and the Afflicted (1879) ; Death of Chlodobert (1880) ; Dante meeting Countess Matilda (1881), Luxembourg Mu- seum ; Abandoned Woman, Fra Angelico's Dream (1882) ; Paying Homage to Clovis II., Admiral Carlo Zeno (1883) ; William the Conquer- / or (1885); ALBERT MAIGN Ah/ Assault on Pope Boni- face VIH. at Agnani, New York Museum. Bellier, ii. 10 ; Miiller, 348 ; La Hustracion (1882), i. 347. 180