Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/219

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MAILLART MATLLART, DIOGENE ULYSSE NA- POLEON, born at Chaussee-du-Bois-de- 1'Ecu (Oise), Oct. 28, 1840. History and portrait painter, pupil of Cornu, Laemiuleiu, and Cogniet. Wou the grand prix de Rome in 1864. Medals: 1870; 2d class, 1873. Works : Thetis arming Achilles ; Homer giving Drink to Achilles, Hero killing a Monster (1874) ; Judgment of Paris (1879): Prometheus Chained (1880) ; Same subject D./AAILLART. (1882) ; Stephen Marcel listening to the Or- dinance (1883) ; Death of Correus (1885). Bellier, ii. 11. MAILLE-SAINT-PRIX, LOUIS (AN- TOINE), born in Paris, Nov. 17, 179C. Landscape painter, pupil of Herseut anil Picot. Medals : 3d class, 1841 ; 2d class, 1844. Works: View of the Pont de Breuil, Ruins of St. Jean-de-1'Ile, Village of Soisy (1831) ; Bridge of Olivet (1835) ; Foggy Morning (1841) ; Valley of Corbeil (1844)"; The Rhine, Souvenirs of Mt. Dore, Souvenir of Mayence (1848) ; Interior of a Turkish House in Damascus, First Cataract of the Nile, Village of Zoldoni (1852) ; Evening (1859); A Landscape (18C3); Environs of Thiou, Valley of Etiolles (1864). Bellier, ii. 11 ; Larousse. MAILLOT, THEODORE PIERRE NI- COLAS, born in Paris, July 30, 1820. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil of Drolling and Picot, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, won the 2d prix de Rome in 1850, and the grand prix in 1854. Medal, 18G7 ; L. of Honour, 1870. Works : Zeuobia on the Banks of the Araxes (1850) ; Abraham wash- ing the Angels' Feet (1854) ; Christ and the Woman of Samaria (1863); St. John (1867) ; Fenelon in Battle of Malplaquet, 1709 (1870) ; Apotheosis and Transportation of Relics of St. Marcel, Notre Dame, Paris ; The Three Theological Virtues, St. Jacques- du-Haut-Pas, ib. Bellier, ii. 12. MAINAEDI, SEBASTIANO, born at San Gimignano, died (probably in Florence) in Sept., 1513. Florentine school ; brother-in- law and pupil of Ghirlandajo, and his assist- ant in some of his greatest works in Flor- ence and S. Gimignauo. Though inferior in every way, his work has been sometimes confounded with that of his master, as in the Baroncelli Chapel, S. Croce. Most of his works are at S. Gimignano. There are a fine portrait and a Madonna by him in the Berlin Museum, and a Holy Family, attrib- uted to Ghirlandajo, in the Louvre. C. & C., Italy, ii. 493 ; Vasari, v. 74. MAINCENT, GUSTAVE, born in Paris ; contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Pils and Cabasson. Medal, 3d class, 1883. Works : Views in and near Paris (1870, 1873, 1874, 1877) ; Champs-Elysi'es (1878); Mill de la Galette (1880) ; Place Pigale (1881) ; Slaughter - House at Mc'ricourt (1882); Village Wedding, Pont -Marie (1883) ; At Saiut-Ouen, Return from Fish- ing (1884) : Notre-Dame Bridge (1885). MAIE (Mayr), JOHAXN TLRICH, born at Augsburg in 1630, died there in 1704. History and portrait painter, pupil of Rem- brandt and of Jordaens ; went to England and Italy, and after his return to Augsburg- won great fame as a portrait painter ; was in- vited to the imperial and other courts, and made court-painter to the Emperor Leopold. Works : Apostle Philip reading (1653), Mu- seum, Vienna ; Fortune Teller, Tobias and the Angel, Schonborn Gallery, ib. ; Artist's portrait (1050), Germanic Museum, Nurem- berg ; A Philosopher, Brunswick Museum. Allgem. d. Biogr., xxi. 141 ; Saudi-art, ii. 329. MAISIAT, JOANNY, born at Lyons, May 5, 1824. Fruit and flower painter, pupil of the Lyons Art School, and of Henri Leh- mann. Medals : 1864 and 1867 ; 2d class, 1872. Works : Sweet-brier in Spring (1803), Valenciennes Museum ; Gathered Fruits (1864) ; Bouquet of Moss Roses (1867) ; Border of Path on a Hill in Tou- raine (1867), Flowers and Fruits (1868), Luxembourg Museum ; The First Flowers ; Fruits on the Ground (1873) ; Violets