Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/268

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MAYEE (1873) ; Alp in Tyrol by Moonlight (1874); View near Wasserburg (1875). Allgein. d. Biogr., xxi. 94 ; Kuust-Chronik, xi. 243. HAYEK, FRIEDRICH KARL, born at Tiilz, Bavaria, Jan. 3, 1824. Architecture painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Schlotth.iuer and Clemens Zimmermanu ; visited Belgium in 1849, and settled as as- sistant of Hcideloft' in Nuremberg, where he afterwards became professor at the In- dustrial Art-School, and in 1875 conservator of the Koyal Galleries. Bavarian Order of St. Michael and Cross of Merit, Prussian Order of Ihe Crown, Saxon Order of Ernest. Works : Shrine of Holy Sacrament in St. Lawrence's, Nuremberg ; Grave of Sebal- dus, ib. ; Co-stle Frohlich Wiederkunf t ; View in Kothenburg ; Church in Berchtesgaden ; Citj- Hall in Brunswick ; Choir of Augsburg Cathedral ; Nave of same ; View in Magde- burg Cathedral ; Bridal Door of Sebaldus Church and St. Eucliarins Chapel, Nurem- berg ; View in Halberstadt Cathedral (Mu- nich Exhibition, 1883). Miiller, 3GO; Schas- 1 ler'sK. Zeitg. (1872), No. 11. HAYEK, KARL, born in Vienna, Jan. 18, 1810, died there, June 8, 187(5. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Gselhofer, studied from nature in Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, North Italy, and on the Rhine ; lived in Rome in 1842-48, and became professor at Vienna Academy in 1851. Order of Francis Joseph, and Pa- pal Order of Gregory in 1800. Works : Prometheus rejecting Pandora (1842), Foun- dation of Gastein (1837), Vienna Museum : Convent Yard of S. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome (1843), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Lancelot du Lac robbed by a Fairy ; Italian Peasants ; St. Catharine, Dominicans, Vi- enna ; Frescos in Altlerchenfeld Church, Vienna. Kunst-Chronik, xii. 4G3 ; Wurz- bach, xviii. 149. MAYER, LOUIS, born at Neckarbischof s- heim in 1791, died at Stuttgart in 1843. Landscape painter, pupil in Stuttgart of Steinkopf, travelled in Suabia, Switzerland, Tyrol, Styria, and (1830-32) in Italy. Works : | Olevano with Volsk and Albano Mountains, View near Ariccia, Stuttgart Museum ; Su- biaco ; Hohenstaufen ; Upper Valley of the Danube ; Neckar Valley above Berg. Cot- ta'sKunstbl. (1843), 370 ; (1844), 27 ; Schwab. Merkur, Nov. 30, 1843. MAYER, LUDWIG, born at Kaniow, Ga- licia, in 1834. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Kupelwieser ; went in 1857 to Venice, in 1862 to Dresden, and thence through Germany and Belgium to Paris, then spent two years at Rome. After Kupelwieser's death he became a follower of Fuhrich and Rahl. Prize of Vienna Acad- emy for his cartoon, Jerusalem. Works : St. Martin ; Christ in the House of Lazarus ; St. Lawrence (18(53); Jerusalem after Death of Christ (cartoon, I860); Baptism of Christ, St. Elizabeth's, Vienna ; Judas receiving the Money ; Christ before Pilate ; Banquet of Belshazzar ; Visit to Scene of Fire ; Music and Painting, Vienna Museum ; Christ (1880) ; Shepherd Boy's Dream of Happi- ness, Pieta (1883). In fresco : Commerce, Charity, Science, Education, The Arts, Reg- imen, Industry (1885), City Hall, Vienna. Kunst-Chronik, xxi. 118 ; Miiller, 3G1 ; Wurzbach, xviii. 1GO. MAYNARD, GEORGE WILLOUGHBY, born in Washington, D. C., March 5, 1843. Figure painter, pupil of Royal Academy, Antwerp ; painted on the Continent in 18G9 -74, and again in 1877-78. Elected an A.N.A. in 1882 ; N.A. in 1885 ; Member of Society of American Artists. Studio in New York/ Works: A Musician (1879); Bache- lor's Breakfast (1880) ; Portrait of Frank D. Millet, Navigators (1881) ; Portrait of his Father, Bathers (1882) ; Ancient Mariner (1883) ; Old Court Yard, Aurora, Winter Reverie, Around the World (1884) ; Grand- fatherly Advice, The Strange Gods (1885). MAYNO, FRAY JUAN BAUTISTA, born in 15G9, died in Madrid, April 1, 1G49. Spanish school ; pupil of El Greoo ; became a Dominican monk in convent of S. Pedro Martyr, Toledo, and acquired considerable reputation for his altarpieces. Appointed