Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/269

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MAYO drawing-master to Prince of Asturias, after- ward Philip IV., and spent rest of his days at court. Works : Pacification of Flanders, an Allegory, Adoration of the Magi, Madrid Museum ; Adoration of the Shepherds, Her- mitage, St. Petersburg. Stirling, i. 429 ; Viardot, 163 ; Madrazo, 441. MAYO, EL. See Vernwyen. MAYK, HEINRICH VON, born at Nu- remberg, Feb. 22, 1800, died April 5, 1871. Genre, battle, and horse painter, pupil of his stepfather Friedrich Christian Fries (1772-1836), and of the Nuremberg Art- School under Iteiudel ; went in 1825 to Munich, where he studied in the royal stable and the veterinary school, and en- joyed the patronage and friendship of Duke Maximilian, whom he accompanied on an oriental journey in 1838-3!). Works : Nu- remberg Diligence, Russian Bivouac, G'he- vauxleger exercising Horses (1830); Skirmish between Austrian and Bavarian Cavalry (1834) ; Battlefield of Eatisbon (1835)*; Transportation of Italian Robbers (1830) ; Austrian Camp (1837) ; Duke Maximilian and Suite among Ruins of Karnak, Egyp- tian Troops Marching (1840) ; Bedouins stealing Horse, Ai'abian Women Washing (1844) ; Stud of Ibrahim Pasha at Cairo (1845) ; Egyptian Mosque with Arabs Wor- shipping, Doctor's Visit at the Harem, Me- hemet Aliand Suite (1840) ; Needles of Cleo- patra, Temple of Ombos, Bark on the Nile with Slaves, Egyptian Bridal Procession, Hyena Hunt on the Nile (1847) ; Reception of Duke Maximilian in Harbour of Alexan- j dria (1848) ; etc. Allgem. d. Biogr., xxii. ( 139; Allgem. Zeitg., April 17, 1871, Bei- lage 107 ; Vine. Miiller, Univ. Handb. von Mfinchen (1845), 160. MAZEROLLE, (ALEXIS) JOSEPH, born in Paris, June 29, 1826. Genre painter, pupil of Dupuis and Gleyre. Medals : 3d class, 1857, 1859, 1861 ; L. of Honour, 1870; Officer, 1879. Works: Nero and Locusta trying Poison on a Slave (1859), Lille Museum ; Diogenes (1861) ; Anacreon (1863) ; Lesbia's Sparrow (1866) ; Birth of j Minerva (1868) ; Good Shepherd (1874) ; Communion of First Christians ; Victorious Love (1865) ; Triumph of Galatea ; Cupid and Psyche (1870) ; Allegory of Wine (1873); Agriculture, Commerce (1881); Fairies' Lit- tle Girl ; The Cascade ; The Declaration (1885).-Bellier, ii. 63. MAZ('), FELIPE, born at Barcelona, Spain ; contemporary. History and genre painter ; studied at first law, but went to Paris in 1871 and became a pupil of Bon- nat ; his works show vivid imagination and great power, but lack careful execution. Medals in London and Antwerp. Studio in Paris. Works : Columbus and his Son (1875), Valparaiso Museum ; Columbus at Sea ; Columbus at La Rabida ; Patron Saint's Festival at Sitger (1884) ; El Zapa- teado (Spanish Dance, 1885) ; Love-song (1886), Berlin Jubilee Exhibition. La II- ustracion (1877). MAZO, JUAN BAUTISTA MARTINE/ DEL, born in Madrid about 1010, died there Feb. 9, 1607. Spanish school ; pupil of Velas- q u e z , whose d a u g h t e r h e m a r r i e d ; d e - voted himself to copying his works and those of Titian, Tintoretto, and Paolo Veronese, and became so skilful that his pictures were mistaken for the originals. He excelled also in portraiture, but his best original works are hunting-pieces and land- scapes. He succeeded Velasquez as painter to the King (1661). Works : View of Sara- gossa, do. of the Escurial, do. of the Cam- pillo, Seaport, Landscapes (9) and Portraits (2), Madrid Museum ; Two Portraits, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Head of Christ, Land- scape, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Madrazo; Ceau Bennudez ; Stirling, ii. 711 ; Charles Blanc, Ecole espagnole ; Viardot, 215 ; Cur- tis, 317 ; Madrazo, 442. 227