Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/288

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MERCADE near Gastein (1881) ; Piazza d'Erbe in Ve- rona (1884); Morning after Carnival (1885), National Gallery, Berlin. Academy (1881), i. -141; Allgem. K. C., 200 ; Andresen, v. 1; Art Journal (1882), 136, 200, 345 ; Cour- rier de 1'art (1885), 232 ; Deutsche illustr. Zeitg., ii. 339 ; Dumas, Ad. Menzel, sa vie et ses (uuvres (Paris, 1H85) ; Gartenlaube (1885), 811 ; Gaz. des 13. Arts (I860), v. 179 ; (1880), xxi. 201 ; xxii. 105 ; (1882), xxv. 590, 003 ; (1884), xxx. 70 ; (1885), xxxi. 512 ; xxxii. 129 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1881), i. 377 ; (1882), i. 405 ; (1885), ii. 578 ; (1880), i. 37; Jordan (1885), ii. 147 ; Kunst- Chronik, v. 130, 144 ; x. 371 ; xiv. 205 ; xviii. 89 ; xix. 445, 001 ; xx. 399, 511, 582 ; xxi. 125, 1S9, 227, 230, 305, 379 ; Kiuist f. Alle, i. 01, 101 ; Graph. K., i. GO, 92 ; Leix- ner, Mod. K., i. 59 ; Miiller, 304 ; N. fr. Presto, Abendblatt, Feb. 27, 1880 ; Nord und Siid, ii. 122 ; xi. 43!) ; Pecht, ii. 305 ; Reber, iii. 358 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malerseh., 252 ; D. Rimdsohau, ix. 322 ; xiii. 327 ; xvii. 21W ; xx. 401 ; Land und Meer (1872), Xos. 20 and 21 ; Westermann's Monatshefte, liii. 401 ; Zoitschr. f. b. K., i. 25 ; vi. 22, 171, 177 ; xi. 1, 32, 41 ; xvi. 49 ; xvii. 229 ; xviii. 135, 403 ; xix. 17, 319 ; xx. 209 ; ix. (Mittheilungcn, ii. 51). MERCADE, Don BENITO, born in Bar- celona ; contemporary. History painter, pu- pil of Madrid Academy. Medals in 1800, 1802, 1804, 1800. Woks : Columbus beg- ging for Bread at Gate of La Rabida Con- vent ; Transportation of Body of St. Fran- cis ; Last Moments of Brother Carlos Cli- maque ; Charles V. at .San Yuste ; St. The- resa ; Sisters of Charity ; Choir of S. Maria Novella. La Ilustracion, 1877. MEKCK, JACOBUS FRANSZ VAN DE1{, born at s'Graveudeel, Holland, died, probably at Leyden, after 1003. Dutch school ; portrait painter, who was master of the guild at The Hague before 1636 ; married there a second time in 1649, and must have worked at Leyden in or before 1057. Works : Captains of the Archers (3, 1057), Leyden Museum ; Young Man's Por- trait (1640), Berlin Museum ; Portrait of a Dutch Scholar (Heiusius? 1042), Olden- burg Gallery. Meyer, Gem. der kongl. Mus. (1883), 283. MERCURY AND ARGUS, Rubens, Ma- drid Museum ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 10 in. x 9 ft. 9 in. Mercury lulling Argus, the vigilant guard of the cow lo, to sleep with the music of his pipe. Same subject, Dresden Gal- lery, from Cariguau Collection, 5,000 livres. Madrazo. By Velasquez, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 2 in. x 8 ft. 1 in. Mercury, sword in hand, is approaching stealthily, on his knees, to kill Argus, who reclines against a rock on right, asleep ; behind them, lo in form of a cow. Etched by J. Vallejo ; Gal- van. Curtis, 20 ; Gal. Esp.; Madrazo, 005. MERCURY TEACHING CUPID. See Cupid, Education of. MERCURY AND THE GRACES, Tinto- retto, Palazzo Ducale, Venice ; canvas. One of the Graces, seated, presents a rose to an- other kneeling at the right, while placing her other hand on the shoulder of the third, who is seated at the left ; Mercury stands at the left. Painted about 1578. Engraved by Agostino Carracci (1589). Bartsch, xviii. 104 ; Ridolfi, Marav, ii. 217. MERCURY AND HERSE, Paolo Vero- nese, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge ; can- vas ; signed. Mercury, with a touch of his caduceus, transforms Aglaurus to stone for attempting to prevent his access to her sis- ter Herse. From Cabinet of Queen Chris- tina of Sweden to the Orleans Collection ; valued at 200, sold for 105 guineas. Waa- geu, Treasures, ii. 499 ; iii. 447 ; Cab. Cro- zat, ii. PI. 20. MERCY, SEVEN WORKS OF, David Teniers, younger, Louvre, Paris ; copper, H. 1 ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 6 in.; signed. At left, an old man, richly clad, distributes bread to the poor ; behind him, a woman, aided by a servant, gives clothing to four beggars ; in front, a page gives drink to a woman, seated, with an infant upon her knees and another child wear her ; to right, a villager