Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/289

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MERCY'S DREAM invites two pilgrims to enter his house ; a cavalier receives at the door of a prison an unfortunate whom he has come to deliver ; in a chamber of same building, a doctor and another care for a sick person ; and iu back- ground, a funeral cortege surrounds an open grave. Engraved by J. P. Le Bas (1747). Replicas, Buda-Pesth Gallery ; Steengracht Gallery, Hague; and others. Filhol, ii. PI. 104 ; Yillot, Cat. Louvre. MERCY'S DREAM, Daniel Hitntinyton, Corcoran Gallery, Washington ; canvas, H. MERIAN, MATTHAUS, the younger, born at Basle, Switzerland, in 1(521, died in Frankfort, Feb. 15, 1G87. History and por- trait painter, son of the engraver Matthiius the elder (1593-1(550) ; pupil in Frankfort of Joachim von Sandrart, with whom, in 1G37, he went to Amsterdam and in 1(540 to England, where he took Van Dyck for his model ; then visited the Netherlands, Paris, and Homo, where ho studied after the old masters, under Sacchi. At the cele- bration of peace at Nuremberg, in 1(550, and Seven Works of Mercy, David 7 ft. 5 in. x 5 ft. 9 in. Scene from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress: "Methought I looked up and saw one coming with wings towards me. So he came directly to me and said, ' Mercy, what aileth thee ? ' Now, when he had heard me make my complaint, he said, ' Peace be to thee ! ' He also wiped my eyes with his handkerchief, and clad me in silver and gold. He put a chain about my neck, and ear-rings in my ears, and a beau- tiful crown upon my head." Painted in 1850 ; replica owned by Mr. Carey, Phila- delphia. Teniers, younger, Louvre, Paris. at the coronation of Leopold I. at Frankfort, in 1658, he painted the portraits of many notable persons. Works : Artemisia mix- ing her Husband's Ashes in her Drink, Mr. H. Burkhard, Basle ; Martyrdom of St. Law- rence (1652), Bamberg Cathedral ; Resur- rection, City Library, Basle ; Portraits of Electors of Brandenburg, Mentz, the Palati- inate, Duke of Zelle, Count Serini, Artist's father, his sister Maria Sibylla (Basle Mu- seum), of himself (Darmstadt Museum), | Family Group (1641). By his father are : Sunrise (1639), Basle Museum ; View of 247