Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/310

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MIEEIS Ch. Blanc, tfcolc hollandaisc ; Burger, Mu- si'es, i. 89, 220 ; Dolnne, lii. ; Gautier, Guide au Louvre, 144 ; Gower, Figure Painters, 73 ; Immcrzcel, ii. 220 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 407 ; Kramm, iv. 1124 ; Riegel, Bcitrilge, ii. 834 ; Quellenschriften, xiv. 200 ; Zeitsebr. f. b. K., xi. (Mittheilungen, iv. 17); xvii. 155. MIERIS, FRANS VAN, the younger, born iu Leydcn, Dec. 24, 1080, died there, Oct. 22, 1703. Dutch school ; genre and por- trait painter, son and pupil of Willcm van Micris, but greatly inferior to his father iu drawing, colouring, and finish. He was a distinguished antiquary, and published works of merit on numismatics and history. Works : Hermit in Prayer (1721), Grocer's .Shop (1715), Pharmacy (1714), Amsterdam Museum ; Regents' Piece (1730), Male Por- trait, Leyden Museum ; Fishmonger (1747), Rotterdam Museum ; Baker and Woman, Pedlar and Boy, Cassel Gallery ; Portrait of his Father (1737), Copenhagen Gallery ; Scholar (1717), Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Woman and Man conversing by a Stall with Eatables (1738), Gotha Museum ; Vertum- nus and Pomona (1710), Schwerin Gallery ; A Hermit, Christiania Gallery ; The Break- fast, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Immcr- xeel, ii. 228 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 544 ; Kramm, iv. 1120. MIERIS, JAN VAN, born at Leyden in 1600, died at Rome in 1090. Genre and portrait painter, son and pupil of Frans, the older, then of Laircsse ; went via Germany to Florence and Rome. As he died when thirty, his pictures are very rare. "Works : Assembly of Ladies and Gentlemen with Lute-Player, Gotha Museum ; Surgeon dress- ing Wound, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Allgem. d. Biogr., xxi. 717. MIERIS, WILLEM VAN, born in Leyden in 1002, died there, Jan. 27, 1747. Dutch school ; genre and mythology painter, son and pupil of Fraus, the elder, whom iu bis early genre pictures he approached in merit, though always inferior in drawing and im- pasto. In bis later time be painted mytho- logical subjects and landscapes, which are prosaic and totally defici- ent in grace. Painted small easel pictures, es- pecially shop in- teriors, also historical and mythological subjects. Modelled statuettes and vases adorned with bas-reliefs. Died blind at the age of 85. Works : Female Poultry- Dealcr (1713), National Gallery, London ; Woman and Violin-Player, Bridgewater Gal- lery, ib. ; Two Girls, Young Man giving Grapes to a Woman, David and Bathsheba, Mr. Hope, ib.; Old Woman and a Girl, Mr. Baring, ib. ; Raree-Show, Mr. Heusch, ib. ; Three Children, Poultry-Dealer, The Cook, Louvre ; Fishmonger (1717), Antwerp Mu- seum ; Susanna and the Judges, Brussels Museum ; Poultry Dealer (1733), Arcadian Landscape (1722), Lady and Gentleman, Amsterdam Museum ; Grocer's Shop (1717), Hague Museum ; Fishmonger with Glass of Beer, Basle Museum ; Joseph and Poti- phar's Wife, Carlsrube Gallery ; Old Wom- an in Grocer's Shop, Cassel Gallery ; Ceres (1710), Copenhagen Gallery ; Venus en- deavoring to dissuade Adonis from Hunt- ing, Darmstadt Museum ; Itinerant Musi- cian embraced by Girl (1004), Game Dealer, Woman filling Glass for a Man (1690), Man blowing a Trumpet (1700), Cephalus and Procris (1702), Venus Asleep (1703), Ari- adne and Bacchus (1704), Fortune-Teller, Girl bringing Drink to a Man (1706), Pre- ciosa recognized by her Mother (1700), Ve- nus and Paris (1717), Company of Apes (1710), Old Cook (1720), Dresden Gallery ; Male and Female Portrait, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck ; Interior with Lady and Fish- monger (1710), Old Piuakothek, Munich;