Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/311

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MIGLIAEA Ludolf Bakhuysen as Writing Master (1C97), Mother's Joy (1708), Game Vender, Male Portrait (?), Scliwerin Gallery ; Angry War- rior (1683), Temptation (1G83), Lady in Satin Dress (1684), Vienna Museum ; Poul- terer, Baron Rothschild, Vienna ; Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, Physician attending Young Lady, Man with Globe, Old Soldier Begging, Looking at a Medallion, Abraham casting off Hagar (1724), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Mary Magdalen at the Cross, Uffizi, Florence ; Esther before Ahasuerus, Milan Academy ; other specimens in Frank- fort, Brunswick, and St. Petersburg Gal- leries. Allgern. d. Biogr., xxi. 716 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole hollandaise ; Gool, i. Ill) ; Immerzeel, ii. 228 ; Kellen, i. 17 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 542 ; Krannn, iv. 1128 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 347. MIGLIAEA, GIOVANNI, born at Ales- sandria, Piedmont, Oct. 18, 1785, died at Milan, April 18, 1837. Architecture paint- er, who won reputation for excellent draw- ing and brilliant light effects ; member of Milan, Turin, Naples, Vienna, and other Academies ; court-painter to the King of Sardinia. Medal of Honour, Alessandria, 1829. Works : Convent in Renaissance Style (1825), Romeo and Juliet in Lorenzo's Cell (1825), National Gallery, Berlin ; Log- gia dei Lanzi and Palazzo vecchio at Flor- ence, The Piazetta in Venice, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Divine Service in Vaulted Hall, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Interior of Monas- tery of S. Paolo near Pavia, Madrid Muse- um ; Convent Yard of S. Maurizio Milan (1824) ; Monastery of S. Ambrogio ib., New Pinakothek, Munich ; Piazza del Pan- teon in Rome, Bergamo Gallery ; Chapel in a Cemetery, Subterranean Chapel in a Mon- astery, Milan Academy ; View in Venice, Interior of S. Marco, ib., S. Zaccaria, ib.; Certosa of Pavia, Study from Nature, Cam- po Santo at Pisa, A Fountain, View in Mil- an, Landscape, Turin Gallery. Wurzbach, xviii. 250. MIGLIORI, FRANCESCO, bom at Ven- ice in 1G84, died there in 1734. Venetian school ; history painter, about whose life little is known. He showed early an un- usual talent, which was impaired by an at- tack of temporary insanity. Works : Bac- chus and Ariadne, Europa sitting on the Bull, Joseph interpreting Dreams, Abra- ham's Sacrifice, Lot and his Daughters, Cain and Abel, Cimon nursed by his Daugh- ter Pera, Dresden Museum. MIGNARD, NICOLAS, born at Troyes, Feb. 7, 1606, died in Paris, March 20, 1668. French school ; por- trait and allegory painter, studied at first at Troyes, then spent several years at Fontainebleau, where the works of Fivmi- net, Primaticcio, and Rosso inspired him with the desire to visit Italy. In 1644 he ac- companied the Cardinal Archbishop of Ly- ons to Rome, where he remained two years. On his return he went to Avignon, and when that city was visited by Louis XIV. in 1660, painted so good a portrait of the king that he was called to Paris by royal command, and there received all the honours of a great painter. Member of Academy in 1663, professor in 1664, and rector in 1690. Many of his portraits are in private collec- tions. Works : Mars and Venus (1658), Aix Museum ; Louis XIV. as a Child, Blois Museum ; Portrait of Anne Geuevieve de Bourbon-Condi', Douai Museum ; Artist's Portrait, Lyons Museum ; Portrait of a Bourbon Princess, do. of a Painter, Musi'e Rath, Geneva ; St. John in the Desert, Por- trait of Louis XIV. in his Youth, do. of Duchess Cristiua of Savoy, Turin Gallery. Bellicr, ii. 90 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole fran<;aise, 867