Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/312

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i. ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1861), ix. 282 ; (1872), vi. 446 ; Jal, 862. MIGNAllD, PIERRE, the elder, born at Troves, Nov. 7, 1612 (1610?), died in Paris, May 30, 1695. French school ; <<_:-;-', portrait and al- , *^ v legory painter, brother of the preceding, pu- pil of Jean Bou- cher of Bourges, and of Vouet. In 1635 he went to Rome, where he painted the portraits of Urban VIII. and of Alexander VH., and many other works, including frescos in churches. In 1658 he was recalled by the king to Fon- taiuebleau, where he became the rival of Le Brun, to whose honours he succeeded. He was court painter, director of the Gobelins, and was elected on the same day member, rector, chancellor, and director of the Acad- emy. Works : Madonna of the Grapes, Procession to Calvary (1G84), Ecce Homo, Virgin in Tears, St. Luke painting the Vir- gin (1685), St. Cecilia (1691), Faith (1692), Hope (1692), Neptune offering his Wealth to Franco, The Grand Dauphin and his Family, Portrait of Mine, de Maintenon, Portrait of himself, Louvre ; Bacchus with a River and a Naiad, Amiens Museum ; Ma- donna with St. John Baptist, Portrait of Madame de Si'vignr, Angers Museum ; Chil- dren caressing a Lamb, a copy of Guide's Magdalen, two portraits, Avignon Museum ; Spring-Timo, Autumn, Lady of the Court, Besanyon Museum ; Portrait of Louis XIV., Unknown portrait, Bordeaux Museum ; Por- traits of himself and of an unknown paint- er, Dijon Museum ; Ecce Homo, Douai Museum ; Pastorale, Grenoble Museum ; Fortune, an Allegory, The Virgin, Judg- ment of Midas, Lille Museum ; Portrait of Ninon de TEuclos, two other Female por- traits, Marseilles Museum ; Marshal Vil- lars in his Youth, Metz Museum ; Madonna, Female portraits (2), Nancy Museum ; Por- trait of a Magistrate, Nimes Museum ; Ar- tist's Daughter, Orleans Museum ; Holy Family, Rouen Museum ; Christ, Three Al- legorical Figures, Toulouse Museum ; Diana Resting, Brussels Museum ; Jephthah's Re- turn, Alexander and Darius's Family, Death of Cleopatra, Portrait of his Daughter, Her- mitage, St. Petersburg ; Portrait of Marie Mancini, Berlin Museum ; Louis XIV. as Endymiou with his Mistresses, Darmstadt Museum ; Madonna, Old Pinakothek, Mu- nich ; Portrait of himself, Portraits of Elec- tor Ferdinand, his Wife, and Daughter, Schleissheirn Gallery ; Madonna, Holy Fam- ily, Stuttgart Museum ; St. Anthony the Hermit, Vienna Museum ; Equestrian por- trait of Louis XIV., The Dauphin, Son of Louis XIV., Turin Gallery ; Ladies' por- traits (2), Uffizi, Florence ; St. John in the Desert, four portraits, Madrid Museum ; Madonna (?), Barcelona Museum ; Portrait of Louis XIV., Hampton Court Palace ; Holy Family, Lady at Toilet, Historical So- ciety, New York. Archives de 1'art fran- <;ais, documents, i. 329 ; Argeuville, v. 74 ; Bellier, ii. 91 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole fraucaise, i. ; Cat. du Louvre ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1861), ix. 282 ; (1872) ; v. 242 ; vi. 446 ; Jal, 861 ; P M Keane, Early Masters, 527 ; Memoires im'- dits, ii. 86 ; Monville, La vie de P. M. (Paris, 1730); Stothert, 97. MIGNON, Jules Joseph Lefebvre, William Astor, New York. Subject from Goethe's " Wilhelm Meister." Full-length, standing, with her guitar in her arms, leaning against a rock on the shore of the sea, across the waters of which she is gazing with sad, dreamy eyes. Another, W. H. Vanderbilt Collection, New York. L'lllustration (1878), i. 394.