Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/313

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MIGNON By Ary Scheffer, Duchesse d'Ayen ; two pictures, canvas, each H. 5 ft. 5 in. x 2 f t. 8 in. Subject from Goethe's " Wilhelm Meis- ter." 1. Mignon regretting her Country. Painted in 183G ; Salon, 1839. Engraved by Aristide Louis. 2. Mignon aspiring to Heaven. Painted in 1839; Salon, 1839. These pictures met with so pronounced a success that Schefter followed them with a third, illustrating the meeting of Miguon with her father, entitled Miguou and the Old Harper (1844), now belonging to Queen Victoria, but it was not so favourably re- ceived. The subject of Mignon has been treated also by Garipuy (Salon, 1859) and Christian Kohler (engraved by Massau, 1865). MIGNON (Minjon), ABRAHAM, born at Frankfort in June, 1040, died at Wetzlar in 1G79. Dutch school ; flower, fruit, and still-life painter ; taken to Holland in his twentieth year by Jakob Marrel, who placed him with J. Davidsz de Heem, who per- fected him in painting flowers and fruits. Works : Flower- and Fruit-pieces, etc., in the Louvre, Paris (G); in Museums (if Am- sterdam (3), Brussels, The Hague (3), Ley- den, Rotterdam (2), Basle, Brunswick (2), Dresden (15), Stockholm, Vienna (2) ; in Galleries of Aschaffenburg, Carlsruhe (4), Cassel (2), Copenhagen (do., Moltke Collec- tion, ib.), Frankfort, Schleissheim (5), Schwe- rin (3) ; Old Pinakothek, Munich (2) ; Czer- nin, Schonborn, and Liechtenstein (1GGO) Galleries, Vienna ; Hermitage, St. Peters- . rntgnon i

burg (4) ; Uffizi, Florence ; Turin Gallery (2). Immerzeel, ii. 229 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 518 ; Kramm, iv. 1131 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 445 ; Stuers, 87. MIGNOT, LOUIS RKMY, born in South Carolina in 1831, died at Brighton, Eng- land, Sept. 22, 1871. Landscape painter, pupil of Schelfhout, at The Hague. Studio in New York, where he was elected N.A. in 1859, until 18G1, when he settled in London. Painted mostly tropical scenery. Works : Tropical Scenery, M. O. Roberts' Collection, New York ; Lagoon of Guaya- quil South America (1803) ; Evening in the Tropics (18G5) ; Tintern, Guayaquil River Ecuador (18G7) ; Autumn, C. H. Wolff, Philadelphia ; Mountain Landscape, Village in South America, Corn Field, R. L. Stuart Collection, New York) ; Source of the Susquehanna (18G8) ; Sunset off Hast- ings (1870) ; Mt. Chimbonizo (1871). Art Journal (1870), 343 ; (1871), G. MILANO, GIOVANNI DA. See Gi- rtniiii. MILKY WAY, Itubeiix, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. G f t. x 8 ft. Juno, supported upon clouds, gives the breast to the little Hercules ; his eagerness causes some drops of milk to fall into the heavens, where they are changed into stars ; behind the god- dess, her chariot drawn by peacocks. La- roussc, xv. 1148. By Tintoretto, Cobham Hall, England ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 1 in. Juno, nude, supported upon drapery in the heav- ens and attended by two cupids and two peacocks, gives the breast to Hercules, whom Mercury is attempting to take from her ; drops of milk escaping form the stars of the Milky Way. Formerly in Orleans Gal- lery, whence sold in 1793 for .50. Waa- gen, Treasures, ii. 49G ; iii. 20 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole venitienne ; Larousse, xv. 1148. MILL, THE. See Isaac and Rebecca, Marriage of. MILLAIS, Sir JOHN EVERETT, Bart., born ill Southampton, June 8, 1829. Genre, landscape, and portrait painter ; pupil in drawing at Mr. Sass's Academy, and won in 1838 a silver medal of the Society of Arts with a drawing from the antique ; became in 1840 a student in the Royal Academy, 2WI