Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/314

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M1LLAIS where he won in 1843 the silver medal ; he exhibited iu 1810 Pizarro seizing the Inca of Peru, and in 1847 was awarded the gold medal for his Benjamites seiz- ing the Daugh- ters of Shiloh. In 1847 he com- peted for a com- mission to paint in the Houses of Parliament, send- ing to Westminster Hall The "Yiclow be- stowing her Mite, and in the same year his Elgiva seized by Odo was in the Acad- emy. In the years 1847-49, in connection with D. G. Rossctti, Holman Hunt, Wool- ner, and others, seven in all, ho founded an association, afterwards called the Pre-Raph- aelite Brotherhood, whose motto was Truth. Nothing was to be generalized in their art which could and should be expressed in de- tail. Their theory was that what is common in nature is good enough for art. In 1854 Mr. Millais was elected an A.R.A., being, with the exception of Lawrence, the young- est artist who has attained that distinction ; ho became an R.A. in 18(!3, and was created a baronet in 18S5. He was awarded a 2d class medal at Paris in 1855, a medal of honour in 1878, in which year ho was made an Officer of the Legion of Honour, and was chosen a Member of the Institute of France in 1883. He is a member also of the Acad- emies of Edinburgh, Antwerp, Madrid, and Rome. Works : Portrait of William Hugh Fenn (1848), W. W. Fenn ; Grandfather and Child (1849), Mrs. Wyatt, Oxford ; Isa- bella (1849), Liverpool Gallery ; Ferdinand lured by Ariel (1849), A. C. Allen ; Christ in the House of his Parents (1850), F. A Beer ; Mariana of the Moated Grange (1851), H. F. Makius ; Return of the Dove (1851), Mrs. Combe ; Woodman's Daughter (1851), Mrs. Henry Hodgkinson ; A Huguenot (1851), Mrs. Miller, Preston ; Ophelia (1852), Mrs. Fuller-Maitlaud ; Proscribed Royalist (1853), John Pender, M.P. ; Order of Release (1853), James Hen ton ; Portrait of Ruskin (1854), Sir Henry W. Dyke Acland ; The Rescue (1855), Holbrook Gaskell ; Random Shot (1855), Mrs. Miller, Preston ; Pot Pourri (185G), John Pritchard ; Autumn Leaves (185G), James Leathart, Tyuemouth ; Blind Girl (185G) ; Escape of a Heretic in 1559 (1857) ; News from Home (1857), W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Sir Isumbras at the Ford (1857), John Graham, England ; Spring Flowers, Vale of Rest (1859) ; Slack Brims- wickers (I860), James Price, England ; White Cockade (18G2), W. Webster, England; The Ransom (18G2), C. P. Matthews, Eng- land ; Trust Me ! The Sweeper (18G2) ; St. Agnes' Eve (18G3), F. R. Leyland, Liver- pool ; My First Sermon, Wolf's Den (1863); The Conjurer (18G4), Major-General Bythe- sea, England ; Leisure Hours (18G4), John Peuder, England ; Charlie is my Darling (18G4), James Reiss, England ; My Second Sermon (1864), Charles Gassiot, England ; Red Riding Hood (1865), G. Cubitt, M.P.; Swallow ! Swallow ! (1865), Sir John Kelk, Bart,; Joan of Arc (1805), W. C. Quilter, M.P.; Jiomans leaving Britain (1865), Sir I. Lowthian Bell, Durham ; Esther (1865), Eustace Smith, Tynemouth ; Parable of the Tares (18G5), John Pender; The Minuet (18GG), Sir John Kelk, Bart. ; Waking (1866), Holbrook Gaskell, En gland ; Sleeping (1867), J. C. Harter, England ; Jephthah (1867), Sir William Armstrong ; Stella (18G8), Humph- rey Roberts, England ; The Sisters (1868), C. P. Matthews, London ; Vanessa (1868), George Holt ; Rosalind and Celia (1868), A. W. Kurtz, England ; Souvenir of Velasquez, Pilgrims to St. Paul's (1868); Gambler's Wife (18G9), Humphrey Roberts, England ; A Flood (18G9), C. P. Matthews ; End of the Chapter, Dream at Dawn (both water- colours, 1869); Knight Errant (1870), Charles Wilson, M.P.; Boyhood of Raleigh (1870), James Reiss ; Widow's Mite (1870), T. Agnew & Sons, London ; Chill October (1870), Sir William Armstrong ; Flowing to the River (1871) ; Flowing to the Sea (1871), A. W. 270