Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/323

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MODEL Willshire, Int., 444 ; Duplessis, Merveilles de la Gravure (1869), 35 ; Bernasconi, 205. MODEL, CHOICE OF A (La Modela), Mariano Fortuny, William Stewart, Paris. Academicians of Saint Luke, Rome, choos- ing a model. A group of painters, in tlie costume of the 18th century, are examining critically a nude young woman who is pos- ing upon a marble table. The painter has placed the scene in one of the salles of the Colonna Palace. Painted in Rome in 1873. Davillier, Fortuny, 97, 113. MOELLEll, LOUIS, born in New York in 1855. Genre painter, pupil of the Na- tional Academy, studied under Duveneck and Professor Dietz at Munich ; spent six years abroad. First exhibited at National Academy in 1883. Studio in New York. Works : Blunder, Selection, Morning News, T. B. Clarke, New York ; Road to School (1883) ; Puzzled (1884) ; Short Measure (1885) ; An Interior (1886). MOENCH-MUNICH, CHARLES VIC- TOIRE FREDERIC, bom in Paris, April 10, 1784, died in 1867. History painter, pupil of Girodet-Triosou. Medal, 2d class, 1817. Works: Boreas aiuLOrythia (1817); Diana and Actaeon ; View at Rome ; Holy Family (1831) ; Christ taken from Tomb by Angels (1842) ; King Candaules and his Wife (1846); Waiting, Return (1847) ; Two Views of Tn'port (1850); Study of a Wom- an (1855); Naiad ; Susanna Bathing (1857); Circle of Cupids (1859); Birth of Venus and Cupid (1861). Bellier, ii. 102 ; Larousse. MOER, JEAN BAPTISTE VAN, born in Brussels in 1819, died there, Dec. 7, 1884. Architecture and landscape painter ; visited repeatedly France and Italy. Medals : Par- is, 1853, 1855, 1861 ; Brussels, 1854 ; Ly- ons, 1858 ; Metz, 1861 ; Order of Leopold, 1860. Works : Interior of Studio in Brus- sels (1853); St Gudule's, ib.; Canal in Ven- ice (1864); San Marco, ib.; Great Choir in San Marco, ib. ; Court of Doge's Palace, ib. ; Chapel of S. Giovanni in San Marco, ib. ; Isle of S. Giorgio near Venice ; Interior of S. Maria in Beleui ; Roman Arcades in Spalato ;

View from Montjuich ; Lion Court of Al- 

hambra ; Mosque of Cordova ; View in Ant- werp, Kuusthalle, Hamburg ; Decorations, staircase of Royal Palace, Brussels. Gaz. des B. Arts (1864), xvii. 372 ; (1865), xix. 26 ; (1867), xxiii. 16 ; Chronique des Arts (1884), 512 ; Miiller, 375. MOERENHOUT, JOSEPH JODOCUS, born atEekeren, near Antwerp, May 3, 1801. Landscape and battle painter, pupil of Ant- werp Academy ; won several prizes, then studied at The Hague the masterpieces of Wouwermau and Berchem, and in Paris un- der Horace Vernet. He painted landscapes conjointly with Schelfhout. Works : Out- post of Cossacks (1827), Horse-race (1829), Stable Interior, Amsterdam Museum ; do. (1840), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Skirmish on Yzereuberg near Louvain (1833) ; Winter Landscape with Horses and Figures (1840); Falcon Chase (1841) ; Sleigh on Frozen Ca- nal (1848), Lady riding in Falcon Chase (184(5), New Pinakothek, Munich. Immer- zeel, ii. 232. MOEYART. See Jfoijaert. MOHN, VICTOR PAUL, born at Meis- sen, Nov. 17, 1842. Landscape painter, pupil of Dresden Academy and of Ludwig Richter, then studied in Rome, 1866-69. Works : Easter Morning in the Campagna, Day in February at Torre del Quinto(1871); Sunday in Spring (1872); Wedding Journey i (1876); Decorations in Royal Theatre, Dres- den (1876-77). Miiller, 373. MOJA, FEDERICO, born in Milan in 1802. Architecture painter, pupil of Milan Academy under Migliara, like whom he painted exterior and interior views of churches, palaces, etc., enlivened with many figures. Works : Interior of Milan Cathe- dral (1838), Vienna Museum ; San Marco in Venice ; Interior of St. Germain's in Paris during Siege under Henry TV., do. of Cap- pella di Rosario, Venice, Doge's Palace, ib. ; The Certosa near Pavia (1844) ; San Maria de' Frari, Venice (1852) ; Amphitheatre at Verona (1853); Interior of Trappist Monas- | tery ; Canal Grande in Venice (2); San Mar- 277