Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/324

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MOL co, ib. ; Certosa near Pavia (1857), Emperor of Austria. Wurzbacli, xviii. 449. MOL, PEETEK VAN, born in Antwerp, Nov. 17, 159!), died in Paris, April 8, 1G50. Flemish school ; history and portrait paint- er, pupil of Soger van de Grave ; imitator of j Rubens. Master of the guild in 1022-23, went to Paris in 1031, and was one of the founders of the Academy of Painting in 1048. His colour is heavy and wanting in harmony. Works : Adoration of Magi, Ant- werp Museum ; Descent from the Cross, Louvre ; do., in Lille and lleims Museums ; Adoration of the Shepherds, Marseilles Mu- seum ; Diogenes with the Lantern, Orleans Museum ; Continence of Scipio, Rouen Mu- seum ; An Elder, Lyons Museum ; Pharaoh's Daughter, Monte Museum ; Isaac blessing Jacob, Berlin Museum ; Ecce Homo, Am- sterdam Museum ; Head of St. John Bap- tist, Copenhagen Museum ; Portrait of David Teniers the elder ; do. of nna of Austria. Ch. Blanc, Kcole flamande ; Jal, 80S ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 31C ; Kramni, iv. 1138 ; Rooses (Reber), 327 ; Van den Brandeu, 7G5. MOLA, PIETRO FRANCESCO, born at Coldre, near Co- mo, in 1G1'2, died in Rome, May 13, 10GO. Bolognese school ; son of Giovanni Battista Mola, an archi- tect ; pupil i 11 Rome of Cavaliere d'Arpino ; after- wards studied in Venice, and settled at Bologna, where he became the friend and pupil of Albaui. Re- turned to Rome and was patronized by In- nocent X., by Alexander VII., Queen Chris- tina of Sweden, and by most of the nobility. He became prince of the Academy of St. Luke, and was invited to France by Louis XIV., who offered him a large salary ; but Mola died while making preparations for his departure. He painted both historical subjects and landscapes. His manner is somewhat like that of Guerciuo. Among his works are : St. Peter delivered from Prison, and Conversion of St. Paul, in the Church del Gesii, Rome ; Joseph making himself known to his Brethren, Quirinal Palace, Rome ; Assumption, St. Michael the Archangel, S. Marco, Rome ; Adoration of the Magi, do. of the Shepherds, and Paint- er's portrait, Uffizi, Florence ; Abraham and Hagar, Capitol, Rome ; St. Bruno, Palazzo Doria, Rome ; Vision of St. Rombold, Naples Museum ; St. John preaching in the Wilder- ness, Repose in Egypt, National Gallery, London ; Baptism of Christ, Copenhagen Gallery ; Death of Dido, Hero by the Body of Leaiider, Dresden Museum ; Marriage of St. Catharine, Kiinigsberg Museum ; The Magdalen in a Cavern, Abraham casting off Hagar, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Jacob in , Conversation with Rachel (2), Repose in Egypt, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Rape of Europa, Leuchtenberg Gallery, ib. ; St. John predicting the Coming of the Messiah, Stutt- gart Museum ; Hero finding Leander's Body, i Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Repose in Egypt, Harrach Gallery, ib. Ch. Blanc, Ecole bolonaise ; Burckhardt, 704, 793, 808. MOLENAER, CORNELIS, called Strabo or Neel de Scheeler (cross-eyed), born in Antwerp about 1540, died there after 1591. Flemish school ; landscape painter of great merit ; master of the guild in 15G4. His pictures show a certain grandeur of com- position, fine colouring and perspective, and especially elaborate treatment of trees. Painted by the day like a workman and often finished a landscape per diem, for which he was paid a daelder (1 fl. 50). Works : Winter Landscape with Skaters, Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Wood do. with Good Samaritan, Berlin Museum; Peasant Company, Flemish School, Peasants Dancing, Stuttgart Museum ; Win- ter Landscape, Stockholm Museum ; Three 278