Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/382

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NEEFFS linear perspective, and was very skilful in distributing the effect of light. His pict- ures are highly finished. "Works : Deliver- ance of St. Peter, and eight Church Inte- riors, Louvre; Interior of Antwerp Cathedral (2), Church Interior, Brussels Museum ; De- liverance of St. Peter (1051), Ghent Mu- seum ; others in Museums of Amsterdam (3, two dated lC3G),Thc Hague (1054), Rotter- dam, Brunswick, Dresden (1C05), Geneva, Gotha (4), Innsbruck, Leipsic, Madrid (7), New York, Vienna ; National Galleries, London (1044), and Edinburgh ; Galleries of Carlsruhe, Cassel (5), Frankfort, Ham- burg, Oldenburg, Schwerin (5), Turin ; Old Pinakotlick, Munich (2, one dated 1G38) ; Hermitage, St. Petersburg (5); Liechten- stein (2), Cxernin and Sclii'mborn Galleries, Vienna ; Uffizi, Florence (5, one dated 1636). By his oldest son and pupil, Lodewyck (born at Antwerp, Jan. 22, 1617), who be- came a monk, is a capital Interior of Ant- werp Cathedral (1G48, with figures by Frans Fraucken III.), Dresden Museum ; also two ( rothic Interiors, Madrid Museum. Allgem. d. Biog., xxiii. 3G4 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole fla- mandc ; Burger, Must'es, i. 178 ; Immerzeel, ii. 257 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 2G3 ; Kramni, iv. PET/U/J 1191 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 72, 122 ; Rooses (Reber), 434 ; Van deu Brandon, G08. NEEFFS, PEETER, the younger, born in Antwerp, May 23, 1620, died there after 1675. Flemish school ; painted, with al- most equal excellence, the same subjects as his father and master, Peeter the elder. Works : Interior of Antwerp Cathedral (2), Vienna Museum ; do. (1G52), and Gothic Church Interior (1653), Schwerin Gallery ; do. (1658), Turin Gallery ; Interior (1675), Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Subterrane- an Prison, Gotha Museum ; Interior of Goth- ic Church, Basle Museum ; do. (3), Aschaf- feuburg Gallery ; others, Lord Hertford's Collection ; Two Church Interiors, New York Museum. Kugler (Crowe), i. 263 ; Kramm, iv. 1191 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 73, 122 ; Rooses (Reber), 434 ; Van den Bran- den, G12. NEER, AART VAN DER, born at Am- sterdam in 1G03, died there, Nov. 9, 1G77. Dutch school ; landscape painter ; was a friend of Cuyp, who occasionally supplied the figures in his landscapes, and an ad- mirable painter of moonlight and twilight scenes. He represented for the most part canals with towns on their banks lighted by the moon, and no other painter has de- picted the lights and shadows incident to such scenes with so much truthfulness and clearness. He painted conflagrations also with equal truth. Works : Evening Land- scape, River Scene by Moonlight, Canal Scene in Holland, Frost Scene, National Gallery, London ; Landscape, Buckingham Palace, ib. ; Frozen Canal, Three Land- scapes, Lord Overstone, ib. ; Large Moon- light Scene, Lord Shaftesbury, ib. ; Six Moonlight Scenes, Sir R. Wallace, ib. ; Banks of Canal in Holland, Village View, Louvre ; Dutch Landscape, Antwerp Museum ; Land- scape at Night, Pleasures of Winter, The Yssel by Moonlight, Brussels Museum ; Burning of Old City Hall at Amsterdam in 1652, Moonlight, Suermondt Museum, Aix- la-Chapelle ; others in Museums of Amster- dam (3), Rotterdam, Berlin (6), Brunswick (2), Darmstadt, Dresden (4), Gotha (6, one dated 1G43), Innsbruck (3), New York (2), Stuttgart (2), Vienna (2) ; Galleries of Asch- affenburg (3), Carlsruhe (2), Copenhagen (5), Frankfort (4), Hamburg (5), Oldenburg (3), Schwerin ; Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Hermitage, St. Petersburg (9) ; National Gallery, Pesth (3) ; Liechtenstein (2), Czer- nin and Schouborn Galleries, Vienna. All- 334