Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/383

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XEER gem. cl. Biog., xxiii. 305 ; Ch. Blanc, JCcolc hollandaise ; Burger, Musees, ii. 142, 215 ; Dohme, lii. ; Immerzeel, ii. 257 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 405 ; Kramm, iv. 1191 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 370 ; Van Spaan, History of Rotterdam ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., x. 74 ; xiv. 119. NEER, EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER, born in Amsterdam in 1043, died in Diisseldorf, May 3, 1703. Dutch school; genre, portrait, and landscape painter, son of, and first in- structed by preced- ing, then pupil of Jakob van Loo ; his favourite and most successful subjects were elegantly attired ladies engaged in some domestic avocation, iu the style of Netscher and Mieris. Ho went to France in 1(503, later to Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Brussels, and (1087) to the court of the Elector of the Palatinate, to whom, as well as to Charles II. of Spain, he was court painter. Occasionally ho painted historical and mythological subjects, and later also landscapes, after Elsheimer. Works : Gentleman and Lady performing Music, Death of Cleopatra, Buckingham Palace ; Boy beating Drum, Bridge water Gallery ; Couple at Repast, Mr. Hope's Col- lection ; Intruding Cavalier, Mr. Hetisch's Collection, London ; Fishmonger, Land- scape, Louvre ; Tobias with the Angel (1(590), Amsterdam Museum ; do. (1085), Berlin Museum ; Guitar-Player (1009), Rotterdam Museum ; Conversation-piece, Aschaft'euburg Gallery ; Rocky Landscape, Augsburg Gal- lery ; Two Boys playing with Bird, Bruns- wick Museum ; Young Lady with Dog, Lute- Player (1677), Boy with Bird Cage, Tobias with Archangel Raphael (copy after Elshei- mer), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Conversation in a Garden, Lady playing Guitar, Copenhagen Gallery ; Lady tuning Zither, Dresden Mu- seum ; Tuning the Lute (1078), Lady Faint- ing (1G80), Landscape with Cattle, Old Pin- akothek, Munich ; Young Cavalier seated and peeling an Orange, Mountainous Land- scape, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Land- scape with Shepherd and Girl (1098), four others, Schleissheim Gallery ; Children play- ing (1079), Mountainous Landscapes (2, 1700), Schwerin Gallery ; Lady at Lunch- eon (1(505), Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Esther before Ahasuerus (1(590), Two Land- scapes (1097), Artist's portrait, UlKxi, Flor- ence ; Attack of Cavalry, Madrid Museum. f> H C . n , ^G(^i^ <J Allgem. cl. Biog., xxiii. 305 ; Immerzeel ii. 258 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 412 ; Cli. Blanc, Ecolo hollandaise ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 330. NEFF, TIMOTHEUS ANDRIEVICH, born at Korkulla, Esthland, in 1805, died in St. Petersburg in 1877. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil in Dresden of Hartmann ; studied afterwards in Italy. Works : Portraits of Emperor Nicholas and Empress, Grand Duchess Helena (1837) ; Grand Duchess Catharine (1851) ; Nymph Bathing (1858), Nymphs in a Grotto (1859), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Last Supper, The Holy Bishops, Chapel of Winter Palace, ib. Cotta's Kunstbl. (1844), 44 ; D. Kunst- bl. (1851), 1(50 ; Raczynski, iii. 539. NEGROPONTE. 'See Antonio da Negro- ponte. NEHER, BERNHARD VON, born at Biberach, Wiirtemberg, Jan. 1C, 1800, died at Stuttgart, Jan. 17, 1880. History painter, first instructed by his father and by Fried- rich Muller (Maler Miillcr), then pupil in Stuttgart of Dannecker and Hetsch, and of the Munich Academy under Cornelius ; spent four years in Rome, visited Naples in 1832, and returned to Munich ; in 1841- 40 director of Leipsic Academy ; became in 1840 professor, and in 1854-79 director of 335