Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/389

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KEUCI1ATEL scape, View on French Coast, North Ger- man Landscape (1882); Autumn Landscape (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 188G). Graph. K, v. 8. NEUCHATEL (Nutschiclel), NICOLAUS, called Lucidel, born in County of Bergen, Hainault, probably iu 1527, died in Nurem- berg about 1590-1600. Flemish school ; portrait painter, pupil iu Antwerp of Pioter Koek, of JElst, in 1539 ; settled at Mous in 1540, and iu Nuremberg before 15(51. Signed himself Nicolaus de Novocastello. Works : Portrait of Young Man, Berlin Museum ; Married Couple (1501), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Portrait of Physician, Darmstadt Museum ; Male Portrait (1580), Fiirsteuberg Gallery, Doiiaueschiugeu ; do., Oldenburg Gallery ; Mathematician instructing his Sou (15(11), Portraits of Man and Wife, Male Portrait (1504), Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Miniature Male Portrait, Schleissheim Gallery ; others in Museum and Liechtenstein Gallery, Vi- enna ; Male and Female Portraits (1561), National Gallery, Pesth ; numerous portraits in private collections at Prague. Allgem. d. Biog., xxiii. 490 ; Allgem. K. C., ix. 454 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 254 ; Meyer, Museen, 305. NEUGEBAUER, JOSEF, born in Vienna in 1810. Portrait,, history, and still-life painter ; pupil of Vienna Academy ; became instructor in the house of Archduke Charles in 1839, and in 1850 visited Italy, where he painted Pope Pius IX. and Cardinal Anto- nelli. Works: Abraham offering Isaac (1836); Allegory of Music (1839) ; Dead Fowl (1842) ; Fishes, Foxes (1844) ; Spinning Woman, Fisher Maiden, Animal Piece (1847) ; Nea- politan Fisher-Boys (1852) ; Roman Peasant Girl, Pifferaro (1853) ; Roses and Strawber- ries (1857); Fruit Piece (1858); Dead Fowl (1860) ; Apotheosis of St. Udalrich (1865), St. Ulrich's, Vienna ; Portraits of Archduke Charles (1839), Pope Pius IX., Cardinal An- tonelli (1852). Miiller, 390 ; Wurzbach, xx. 252. NEUHAUS, FRITZ, bom at Elberfeld, April 3, 1852. Genre painter, pupil of Diis- seldorf Academy under Gebhardt and Wil- helni Sohn. Works : Ash Wednesday (1878); Scene from Peasants' War (1879), Diissel- dorf Gallery ; Prince's First Ride (1880) ; Incident in Youth of the Great Elector (1885); Hagen and the Mermaids (1880). Kunst-Chrouik, xxi. 241 ; Miiller, 390. NEUHUYS, ALBERT, born at Utrecht, June 10, 1844. Genre painter, pupil of G. Craeyvanger and of Antwerp Academy. Works : Awaking (1876) ; Gallantry (1880), Amsterdam Museum ; Harvest (1880) ; Ba- by's Toilet (1884) ; The Gardener (1885). "NEUMANN, JOHAN KARL, bom in Co- penhagen, Aug. 14, 1833. Marino painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy, though self- taught in his special branch ; visited Ger- many, France, and Italy in 1802-63, Spain and Morocco iu 1807, and the East iu 1873. Member of Copenhagen Academy ; Order of Daunebrog, 1870. Works : Danish Mau- of-War at Anchor on English Coast (1859) ; Ships oil' Shore (1867) ; Views on Coast of Genoa ; The Kattegat, Skageii in Jutland (1870), Copenhagen Gallery. Sig. Miiller, 256 ; Weilbach, 514. NEUREUTHER, EUGEN (NAPO- LEON), born in Mu- nich, Jan. 13, 1800, died there, March 23, 1882. History painter and illustrator, son of and first instructed in Bamberg by the land- scape painter Ludwig Neureuther, then pupil of Munich Academy under Wilhehu von Kobell ; assisted Cornelius in the decorations in the Glyptothek and the Kouigsbau, and illustrated Goethe's romances and ballads to the great satisfaction of the poet. Visited Paris in 1830 and Rome in 1837 ; professor at the industrial art-school in 1808-77. Or- der of Michael. Has won fame as an illustra- tor of German legends and ballads. Works : Peter von Cornelius among his Fellow-Ar- tists, Dream of Rezia, Dying Nun, Villa Mils,