Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/390

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NEUSTATTER Villa Malta, Madonna, Scene from Hermann and Dorothea, Scene from Obcron, Scliack Gallery, Munich ; Uhland's Peasant Rules, Stettin Museum. Allgem. d. Biog., xxiii. 552 ; Cotta'sKunstbl. (1839), 17, 74 ; (1842), 306 ; (1844), 212 ; (1847), 104 ; D. Kunstbl. (1854), 42G; (1858), 89; Hagen, i. 411; Illustr. Zcitg. (187C), i. 330 ; Kuglcr, Kl. Schriften, iii. 18 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 415 ; Miiller, 391 ; Nngler, x. 207; do., Mon., ii. C34 ; Rac/ynski, ii. 272 ; Reber, ii. 95 ; Keg- net, ii. 03 ; Haiti, 309 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iv. 7, 72. NEUSTATTER, LOUIS, bom in Munich in 1829. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Munich Academy and of Bernhardt ; in 1852 studied in Paris for a short time under Cogniet, then went to Rome and Naples ; painted portraits in Vienna in 1854-G4, and returned to Munich, where he has since produced a number of genre pictures. Works : Mourning Orphans ; Young Widow ; Reverie ; Breakfast : Five Pictures from Children's Life ; Visit to Foster-Parents ; Getting Provisions ; Burial of Canary Bird ; Enticing (1883). Miiller, 392. NEUVILLE, ALPHONSE (MARIE) DE, born at St. Omer (Pas-de-Calais), May 31, 1830, died in Par- is, May 20, 1885. Bat- tle and genre painter, pupil of Picot ; stud- ied three years in Ecole de Droit, Paris, but gave up law for art, and soon won a place among the fore- most French military painters. Medals : 3d class, 1859 ; 2d class, 1801 ; L. of Honour, 1873; Officei-,1881. Works ; The Gcrvais Bat- tery, Attack on Malakoff (1859) ; Capture of Naples by Garibaldi (1800); Chasseurs of the Guard (18G1); Attack in Streets of Magenta (1804), St. Omer Museum ; Chasseurs Cross- ing the Tchernaia (1808), Lille Museum ; Bivouac before Bourget (1872), Dijon Mu- seum ; Laxl. Cartridges (1873) ; Attack by Fire on Barricaded House at Villersexel (1874) ; Surprise in Environs of Metz in 1870 (1875); Episode in Battle of Forbach in 1870 (1877) ; Defence of Le Jlourget (1879), W. H. Vanderbilt, New York ; The Adieu, J. J. Astor, ib. ; In the Trenches (1874), Information (1876), Attack at Dawn, W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Episode in Bat- tle of Gravelotte, Panorama of Battle of Champigny (with Detaille, 1881); Cemetery of St. Privat (1881), John G. Johnson, Phil- adelphia ; Drummer, Forty-Second High- landers in Egypt in 1882 (1882), H. C. Gib- son, ib. ; Soldier Drinking, Fletcher Harper, New York ; Cavalryman and Two Horses, W. Rockefeller, ib. ; Reconnoitring of Gen- eral Ducis, C. S. Smith, ib. ; Hauling by the Capstan, J. H. Stebbins, ib. ; Reconnoitring, Daniel Catliu, St. Louis ; Beleaguered, H. L. Dousmau, ib.; Ou Guard, S. A. Coale, ib. ; do., Charles Parson, ib. ; Flag of Truce (1885, last work, unfinished). L'Artiste (1885), i. 409 ; Athemeum (1880), i. 384 ; (1885), i. 009 ; Bellier, ii. 157 ; Claretie, Peintres (1874), 219, 329 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1881), xxiv. 47 ; (1885), xxxii. 164 ; Kunst- Chronik, xv. 387 ; xvii. 3, 276, 385, 517 ; xix. 42 ; xx. 552 ; Mag. of Art (1885), 225 ; Montrosier, ii. ; Rev. des Deux Mondes (1874), iii. 675 ; Richard, En Campagne par A. de N., Paris (1880). NEVE, FRANS DE, born at Antwerp, June 11, 1606, died probably in 1681. Flem- ish school ; history and portrait painter, formed himself almost exclusively after the works of Rubens and Van Dyck, and after- wards in Rome after Raphael and the an- tique. A Solomon's Judgment, by him, is in the Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna. Na- gler, x. 213 ; Kramm, iv. 1194 ; Van den Branden, 906. NEWELL, HUGH, born in Ireland, con- temporary. Genre painter, pupil of Cou- ture in Paris ; studied also in Antwerp, and 3-12