Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/400

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NORDENSWAN (1872). ii. 72 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. G32 ; Mailer, 39G ; Wolfg. Mailer, Diisseklf. K., 313. NORDENSWAN, VICTORINE, born at Tawastehus, Finland, June 14, 1838, died there, Aug. 25, 1872. History painter, pu- pil of Otto Meugelberg in Dilsseldorf ; re- turned to Finland in 1872. Works : John the Evangelist (18G7) ; Holy Women at Sepulchre (18G9) ; Mary Magdalen at Cross (1870). Kunst-Chronik, viii. 40. NOEDGREN, AXEL, born in Stockholm, Dec. 5, 1828. Landscape painter, studied nature in Sweden and Norway, then pupil in Diisseldorf of Gude. Court painter ; Member of Stockholm Academy, 18G9. Medals : Stockholm, Lyons. Works : Prom- ontory of Kullen on Swedish Coast ; Cliffs of Bohusliin ; Norwegian Landscape, Diis- seldorf Gallery ; View in Swedish Lapland (18GG), Konigsberg Museum ; Ramsthals- liorn near Tralltauwaren ; Waterfall in Eamsdalen ; Moonrise on Swedish Coast (1880) ; Pilot Harbour on Norwegian Coast (1882). MUller, 396 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xv. 380. NORMAN FLEET, SAILING OF THE, Albert Maiijimn, Luxembourg Museum ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. 9 in. Depart- ure of the fleet of William the Norman, from Dives, 10GG, for the conquest of England. Salon, 1874. NORMANN, ADELSTEEN, born at Bo- doe, Norway, May 1, 1848. Landscape paint- er, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Eugen Diicker ; chooses his subjects from his native country, which he visits frequent- ly. Works : View on Sogne Fjord, Stock- holm Museum ; View in Eomsdal ; Stam- Buncl in Loffodcu Islands ; Harbour, ib. ; Midnight, ib. ; Eomsdal Fjord ; Folden Fjord ; Salteu Fjord ; View in Loffoden (1884) ; Sogne Fjord (1885). Meyer, Conv. Lex., xxi. 6G9 ; Miiller, 396. NORMANN, RUDOLF VON, born in Stettin, May 2, 180G, died in Dessau, June 18, 1882. Landscape painter, pupil of Diis- seldorf Academy under J. W. ScLirmer ; ! studied from nature on the banks of the Moselle, in Switzerland, and the Tyrol. In 18G6 became superintendent of the court theatre and conservator of all art collections at Dessau. Works : Trarbach on the Mo- selle (1832), Diisseldorf Art Union ; Burg Eltz (1832), Berlin Art Union ; Views near Zell and Cochem (1834) ; By the Loreley Rock (1835) ; Street in Brunnen on Lake Vierwaldstadt (183G) ; St. Goar and Goars- hausen (1839) ; Burg Rheinstein ; Swiss Village ; Lake in Alps with Glaciers ; The Jungfrau ; Alp with Huts ; City on Moun- tain Lake ; Swiss Village with Children's Procession ; Vierwaldstadt Lake ; View near Stanz (1838), Leipsic Museum ; Falls near Schaffhausen ; Salzburg seen from Maria Pleiu ; The Briinig ; Hasli Valley near Bri- enz. Andresen, iv. 80 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xx. 723 ; Kuust-Chrouik, xvii. 628 ; Wolfg. Miiller, Diisseldf. K., 347. NORR, JULIUS, born in Munich in 1827. Landscape and genre painter, pupil of Mu- nich Academy ; then studied battle painting under Feodor Dictz, but abandoned it for landscape under J. G. Stefl'an ; travelled in Germany, Switzerland, and Upper Italy. Works : Spring on Stamberg Lake ; Potato- Harvest ; Landscape with Horsemen ; View on Chiem Lake ; Noon in a Quarry ; Ren- dezvous of Huntsmen ; Horse-Pond ; Night Ambuscade ; Travelling People ; Plough- man's Rest, John D. Lankenau, Philadel- phia ; Selling the Booty (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886). Mttller, 397. NORTHCOTE, JAMES, born at Plym- outh, Oct. 22, 1746, died in London, July 13, 1831. Was a watchmaker until 1771, x/ when he b e- came the pupil and assistant of Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, under whom he learned to paint tolerably good 352