Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/401

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NORTHEN portraits. Went to Italy in 1777 ; returned three years later to London, and fairly en- tered into competition with Opie, at a time when Reynolds, West, Barry, and Fuseli largely occupied public attention. From his studio, on Clifford Street, Northcote sent forth many historical pictures, such as The Murder of the Princes in the Tower (1780), Hubert and Arthur, The Death of Wat Ty- ler, painted for Boydell's Shakespeare Gal- lery, which, thanks to a certain dignity and narrative ability, met with considerable fa- vour. His best work, however, was in por- traiture of a semi-historical nature, examples of which are his portraits of Viscount Ex- mouth and Dr. Jenuer. During the last fifteen years of his life he painted about sixty portraits, the best of which give him a high place in the ranks of his distinguished contemporaries. He became an A.R.A. in 1786 and R. A. in 1787. At the age of eighty- one he painted the portrait of himself, in the National Portrait Gallery. Northcote had literary ability of no mean order, as proved by his Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1813), and his Life and Times of Titian (1830). Button Cook, 24-4 ; Fortnightly Rev. (187G), xxv. 861 ; Once a Week (1860), iv. 373 ; Redgrave ; Ch. Blanc, cole anglaise ; F. do Conches, 316 ; Sandby, i. 202. NORTHEN, ADOLF, born at Mttndeu, Hanover, Nov. 6, 1828, died in Diisseldorf, May 28, 1876. Battle painter, pupil of DUs- seldorf Academy ; painted chiefly scenes from the campaigns of Napoleon, in some of which he had fought, but also mediaeval and romantic genre scenes. Works : Gue- rillas with Captured Frenchmen (1852); Skir- mish on the Gohrde (1852), Hildesheim Museum ; Marauders of the Great Army in 1812 ; Sally of the Hanoverian Troops at Menin in 1794 ; Napoleon's Retreat from Russia (several times); Episodes in Spanish War of Independence ; Episode in Battle of Waterloo, Provinzialmuseum, Hanover ; Ty- rolese Landsturm in 1809 ; General Cam- bronne taken Prisoner by Colonel Halket ; Hanoverian Battalions in Battle of Waterloo (1861), Storming of Planchenois in 1815 by the Prussians (1863), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Battle of Vittoria ; Skirmish at Oeversee ; Before the DUppel Earthworks ; Cavalry and Infantry Skirmishes in Campaigns of 1866 and 1870-71 ; Girl in Woods ; Gyp- sies on Road ; Falcon -Chase. Blauckarts, 113 ; Kunst-Chronik, xi. 643 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 643 ; Wolfg. Mttller, Diisseldf. K, 170. NORTHWEST PASSAGE, Sir John Everett J/tf/oiX Bart., C. F. H. Bolckow, Middleborough ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 9 in. x 7 ft. 3 in. Painted in 1874, when the public mind was exercised about the fate of some Arctic explorers. In a room, through the open windows of which is seen the sea, are seated two figures an aged seaman, in navy blue (portrait of E. J. Trelawney, friend of Byron and Shelley), intently listening, and a young lady, dressed in white with a rose- coloured fichu, reading aloud from a book on Arctic discovery lying on her lap. A sea picture is on the wall, and a Japanese screen in the background is draped with a large Union Jack. Royal Academy, 1874 ; Expo- sition univcrselle, Paris, 1878. Etched by M. Mongin in " Modern Artists." London Illus. News (1885). NOTER, DAVID DE, born in Ghent, contemporary. Still-life painter of distinc- tion. Medals: 1845, 1852. Lives in Al- giers. Works : Domestic Cares ; Old Vases with Flowers (1875); Kitchen Interior, View of Algiers (1876) ; Favourite's Portion, Grapes, Watermelons, and Flowers (1877) ; Lady binding Bouquet, Antique Vase, Two Monuments in Algiers (1878) ; Still-Life (2, 1880), Stettin Museum. Bellier, ii. 169 ; Journal des B. Arts (1860), 144 ; Mttller, 397. NOTER, PIETER FRANgOIS DE, the younger, born at Waelhem, Feb. 23, 1779, died in Ghent in 1842. Landscape and marine painter, studied from nature; visited Switzerland, France, and Holland, and be- came professor at Ghent Academy. Mem- ber of Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Ghent 363