Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/463

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PELLIC011NE Winter Evening in Rome ; Pantheon of the Poor. La Ilustracion, 1877. PELLICORNE, JAN, AND SON, por- trait, Rembrandt, Sir Richard Wallace, Hert- ford House, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 9 in. Also portrait of wife and daughter of Jan, same size. Members of an old Amsterdam family, in whose possession the pictures remained until 1842, when sold to Mr. Nieuwenhuys for 35,046 florins. Bought at sale of King of Netherlands (1850) by Lord Hertford for 1,200 guineas. Waagen, Treasures, ii. 158. PELOUSE, LF.ON GERMAIN, born at Pierrelaye (Seine-et- Oise); contemporary. Landscape painter. Pond of painting views in Normandy. Med- als: 2d class, 1873; 1st class, 1870; 2d , class, 1878 ; L. of Hon- our, 1878. Works: Arm- of the Sea at Low Tide (1868); Souvenir of Ceruay (1872); Oc- tober Morning in Woods (1874) ; Views of Fiuisterre, Morning (1877); Old Wells (1879); Cernay in January (1879), Luxembourg Mu- seum ; First Leaves, Rocks at Coucarneau (1880) ; Overflowed Meadows in Holland, Wheat at Grandcamp (1881) ; River Ellc (1882) ; Valley of Ardoisi.Tcs (1883) ; Bor- ders of Loing (National Gallery, New South Wales), Grandcamp (1884); At Saint-Jeau-le- Thomas, Evening (1885); Geese-Island, Pla- teau of Montjoie (1886). Bellier, ii. 22G. PEMBROKE FAMILY, Anton van D,jck, Earl of Pembroke, Wilton House ; canvas, H. 11 ft. x 19 ft. Ten figures : Philip, Earl of Pembroke, and his wife, seated on a dais, with their family standing around them ; above, two sons and a daughter, deceased, represented as angels. Engraved by Baron. Studies : Earl of Carnarvon, and in Hermit- age, St. Petersburg. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 153 ; Smith, iii. 144. PENA MUNOZ, Don MAXIMINO ; con- temporary. Works : Two Interiors, Return from Market (1883) ; Roman Vestal guard- ing Sacred Fire (1884). - La Ilustracion (1884), i. 395. 404. PENCZ, GEORG, born at Nuremberg about 1500, died there in Oct., 1550. German school ; history and por- trait painter, pupil or follower of Diirer. Ad- mitted into the guild in 1523, ho was banished for unbelief in 1524, with Hans and Sebald Beham ; but he appears to have been allowed to settle in the neigh- bourhood soon afterwards, and probably returned to Nuremberg in 1532. After his return from Rome, which he visited before 1530 and again in 1539, he was frequently employed by the council of his native city. He was one of the best German portrait painters of his time, and as an engraver he occupies the lirst place among the followers of Diirer. Worts : Adoration of the Magi, Dresden Gallery ; St. Jerome (1544), Por- trait of Field Marshal Sebaldus Schirmer (1545), Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Judith with Head of Holoferues, Schleiss- heim Gallery ; St. Jerome, Stuttgart Muse- um ; Crucifixion, Wijrlitz Gallery ; do., and Portrait of Young Man (1543), Vienna Mu- seum ; do. (1534), and of the Painter Schwetzer (1544) and Wife (1545), Berlin Museum ; Scholar in his Stud}-, Rotterdam Museum ; Charity, Madrid Museum ; do., Harrach Gallery, Vienna ; Portraits in Brunswick, Carlsruhe (1545), Darmstadt (1544), Dresden (1552), Gotha, Copen- hagen Galleries ; Erasmus of Rotterdam (after Holbein), Windsor Castle. Keane, Early Masters, 139 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 183 ; Scott, Little Masters, 115 ; W. & W., ii. 406. PENGUILLY-L'HARIDON, OCTAVE, born in Paris, April 4, 1811, died there, Nov. 3, 1870. Genre painter, pupil of Char- let. Entered the ficole Polytechnique in 1831, became captain of artillery in 1841, inspector of studies in the ficole Polytech- 413