Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/474

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PETER Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici (Leo X.) from prison just a year before his elevation to the pontificate. Engraved by Volpato. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 343 ; Miintz, 368 ; Pas- savant, ii. 134 ; Ch. Blanc, cole ombri- eiine ; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 435 ; Perkins, 155. By }'cliii>qi(cz, Francis Cook, Richmond HilC Surrey, England ; H. 4 ft. 7 in. x G ft. 2 in. The Saint, in yellow drapery, is be- ing raised from the ground by an angel ; on left, three guards asleep ; in background, a urn ; Coruelis Wael, St. Ambrose, Genoa ; Kobert-Fleury, Salon, 1840. PETER, ST., DENIAL OF, Rembrandt, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; canvas, H. 4 ft. G in. x 5 ft. St. Peter, standing before a fire, with his left hand extended, is speak- ing to a young woman on his right, who bears a lighted candle in her hand ; near by are two soldiers, one of whom has re- moved his helmet and is about to drink from a bottle. Smith, vii. 46. 1 By David Tenters, younger, Louvre, Paris ; b . -' - _- -- =^=- - -^~=j-^=j ' ; ' : ^ ' (5->

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Christ's Charge to St. Peter, Pietro Perugino, Sistine Chapel, Vatican. staircase. Early work, in manner of Alonzo | Cano. Curtis, 12. Subject treated also by Francesco Albani, Uffizi and Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; II Cala- brese, Dresden Museum ; School of Cara- vaggio, Louvre ; Domenichino, S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome ; Guercino, Madrid Museum ; Gerard Honthorst, Berlin Museum ; Pieter Neefs, Louvre ; Spagnoletto, Dresden Muse- um ; Rubens, Palazzo Pallavicini, Genoa ; Hendrik van Steemvyck, elder (1G04), Vi- enna Museum ; Heudrik van Steeuwyck, younger (1621), ib.; Valentin, Dijon Muse- i copper, H. 1 ft. 3 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. ; signed, dated 1G4G. In front, four Walloon soldiers playing cards, with a fifth, standing, looking on ; in background, left, St. Peter, standing, warming himself before a fireplace, against the side of which a peasant, seen from be- hind, is seated ; a woman is interrogating the Saint, and a man behind him, with a pipe in his hand, awaits his answer ; above, on the mantelpiece, the cock which crowed ; background, right, soldiers going out. Col- lection of Louis XVI. ; sale of Comte de Merle (1784), 10,320 livres. Engraved by 424