Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/475

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PETER Delaunay in Musee fran9ais. Filhol, ix. PI. 615 ; Kugler (Crowe), 324 ; Villot, Cat. Lou- vre. PETEE, ST., HISTORY OF, See Jla- saccio. PETEE, ST., MARTYRDOM OF, Sebas- tien Ilourdon, Louvre ; cauvas, H. 11 ft. 10 in. x 8 ft. G iu. St. Peter is fastened head downwards to the cross, which is held by one executioner, at right, while a second one, at left, pulls it with a rope ; in front, at right, a woman, seen from behind and half- length, holds an infant in her arms ; in back- ground, the statue of a pagan divinity; above, an angel with a torch, and another with the trying to raise upright. Head of St. Peter engraved by Calamatta (1851). Smith, ii. 14 By Guercino, Modem Gallery ; canvas. St. Peter and executioners fastening him to a cross, which lies on the ground ; above, an angel points out to him the celestial re- gions, and two others hold the crown of martyrdom. Painted in 1018, by order of I Orazio Cabassi, for S. Bernardino, Carpi. One of the best works in his first manner. Carried to Paris in 1796 ; returned in 1815. Engraved (outline) by C. Normaud. Lan- dou, Musre, ii. PI. 36. By Gindo Eeui, Vatican, Rome ; wood, Martyrdom of St. Peter, Filtppino Lippi, Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence. palm and crown of martyrdom. Given iu 1643 by the merchant jewellers of Paris to the chapter of Notre Dame ; later in Musee Napoleon. Engraved by Nicolas Tardieu. By Michelangelo da Carai-ayyio, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg. Six soldiers raise the cross, to which the Saint is nailed with his head downwards, while an old man leaning on a staff looks at them. Probably from S. M. del Popolo, Eomo. Altai-piece, for- merly in the Giustiniani and Montmorency collections. Bought for Hermitage in 1808. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., i. 621. By Anton van Dyck, Brussels Museum ; ' canvas, H. G ft. x 3 ft. 6 in. The Apostle, ! bound head downwards to the cross, which two executioners and a soldier in armour are ' H. 9 ft. G in. x 5 ft, St. Peter is being fas- tened to the cross, head downwards, by two executioners. First manner, in style of Car- avaggio. First placed, by order of Clem- ent XIII., in palace of Monte Cavallo ; after- wards in Vatican ; carried to Paris in 1796 ; returned in 1815. Copies in mosaic in St. Peter's, and at S. M. del Popolo, Rome. One of Guide's best works ; said to have been so much admired that it procured him the commission for the Aurora, in the Pa- lazzo Rospigliosi. Landon, Musee, vii. PI. 51 ; Lavice, 314 By Filippino Lippi, Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, Florence. One of the series of the history of St. Peter, begun by Masaccio, and formerly attributed entirely to him, but 425