Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/494

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PIETRO the Virgin, Jacob and Laban, Holy Family, Madonna and St. Martina, and others, Lou- vre ; Madonna with Saints, Brera ; Christ and the Magdalen, Holy Family, Martyrdom of St. Stephen, and others, Hermitage. Ch. Blanc, Ecole ombrienne ; Burckhardt, 253, 258, 278, 767, 771 ; Scguier, 48. PIETRO, GIOVANNI DI. See Spagna. PIETRO DI LORENZO. See Lorenzetti. PIGLHEIM, (ELIMAR ULRICH) BRU- NO, born in Hamburg, Feb. 19, 1848. His- tory and genre painter, pupil of Weimar Art-School under Pamvels, and in Munich of Wilhelm Diez. Began as a sculptor, pupil in Hamburg of Lippelt, and of Dresden Acad- emy, then visited Italy and took up paint- ing. Works : Domestic Happiness ; Day and Night ; Moritur in Deo (1879). Mai- ler, 417 ; D. Rundschau, xx. 457 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1881), i. 310 ; K. f. Alle, i. 58 ; All- gem. K. C., ix. 287. PIGNEROLLE, CHARLES MARCEL DE, born at Augers about 1815. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Cogniet. Medals: 2d class, 1848, 1855. Works: Pilgrimage to Notre Dame de Lorctte (1847), Orleans Museum ; Inundation Scene in the Campagna (1855) ; Raphael painting Por- trait of Princess of Aragon (1859) ; Vintage at Naples (1861). Bellier, ii. 273. PILGRIMS, EMBARKATION OF, Rob- ert W. Weir, rotunda of Capitol, Washing- ton ; canvas, H. 12 ft. x 18 ft. The Pilgrim Fathers embarking at Delft Haven for South- ampton, July 22, 1620. Painted in 1845 for $10,000. Engraved on back of $50 United States national bank note. PILLE, CHARLES HENRI, born in Es- sommes (Aisne), contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Barrias ; known since 18G4 by his clever pen-and-ink sketch- es, and his humorous, well-painted genre pictures. Medals: 1869; 2d class, 1872; L. of Honour, 1882. Works : Sybille de Cleves haranguing the Defenders of Wit- temberg (1868) ; Sancho Panza before the Duchess, Tavern at Todtenau (1870); Au- tumn (1872) ; Matrimonial Harmony, The First^Born (1873) ; Pardon near Guemene (1874); Reading the Decree of Feb. 24, 1793, in Brittany, Market at Antwerp, Old Clothes (1875) ; Morning Interview, Intemperance, So- briety (1876) ; Tav- ern (1877) ; Coquelin as Fritz (1878) ; Don Quixote (1879); Woods of Sandraie (1880) ; Three Jugs (1881) ; Gustave Jundt (1882) ; The Body- Guard (1883) ; Portrait of Benjamin-Con- stant (1884) ; Temptation (1885). Gaz. des B. Arts (1868), xxv. 17 ; Meyer, Gesch., 680. PILLEMENT, JEAN, born at Lyons in 1727, died there, April 26, 1808. French school. Landscape and marine painter, first instructed in his native city, then stud- ied in Paris and for a time was employed as a designer in the Gobelins factory ; went to London, where he met with great success, and visited Germany (1767), and Portugal. He was painter to the king of Poland and to Mario Antoinette. Works : Bridge over Torrent, Storm, Fishing Scene, Shipwreck, Besancon Museum ; Rustic Bridge on Rocks, Lyons Museum ; Cascade among Rocks, five others (two elated 1791, 1792), Montpellier Museum ; Two Landscapes, Bordeaux Mu- seum ; do., Madrid Museum ; Agitated Sea on Rocky Coast, Burning Castle by Moon- light, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna. Bel- lier, ii. 273 ; Nagler, xi. 308. PILLIARD, JACQUES, born in Vienne (Isere) in 1814. Religious painter of repute, pupil of Orsel and Bonnefond. Medals : 3d class, 1843 ; 2d class, 1844, 1848. Works : Virgin Fainting (1843); Christ with Martha and Mary (1844); Raising of Jairus's Daugh- ter (1848). Gaz. des B. Arts (1859), ii. 273 ; Larousse. PILOTY, FERDINAND, born in Munich, Oct. 9, 1828. History and genre painter, brother of Karl von Piloty, pupil of Munich Academy under Karl Schorn, and greatly