Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/495

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PILOTY influenced by his brother ; visited repeatedly Rome, Paris, and Vienna. Honourary mem- ber of Munich Academy. Works: Sir Thomas More in Prison, Wies- baden Gallery ; Raphael on his Death -Bed ; Queen of Naples as He- roine at Gaeta ; Count Eberhard of Wiirtem- berg beside the Body of his Son (18 65); Solo- mon's Judgment ; Re- view of Queen Elizabeth in Sight of the Ar- mada, Maximilianeum, Munich ; After the Meeting ; Doctor of Last Century ; Capu- chin Sermon in Rome. In fresco : Entry of Max I. into Prague, Golden Ago of Augs- burg, and three others, National Museum, Munich Foundation of Holy Ghost Hospital, Dancing Festival of Landsberg Burghers, Town-Hall, Laudsberg. Miiller, 418 ; Land und Meer (1886), ii. 1103; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iii. 197, 198. PILOTY, KARL VON, born in Munich, Oct. 1, 1826, died there, July 21, 1886. History painter, son of and first instruct- ed by the lithog- rapher, Ferdinand Piloty, then pupil of Munich Academy under Schnorr, and later under his brother-in-law, Karl Schorn. In 1847 he visited Venice, painted genre pictures, and at Leipsic (1849) many portraits, then visit- ed Dresden, where Velasquez became his ideal ; went in 1852 to Antwerp and Paris, and thenceforth entered upon the path of colouristic realism to which he owed his great renown. In 1856 he became professor at the Munich Academy ; went in 1856 to Paris and twice to Rome to make studies for his Nero on the Ruins of Rome. From 1874, director of Munich Academy. Works : Bathing Girls (1848); Dying Mother (1849); The Nurse (1853); Foundation of the Catho- lic League (1854), Maximilianeum, Munich; Seni beside Walleustein's Body (1855), New Piuakothek, ib. ; Tilly before battle on White Mountain ; Scene after Murder of Wallen- stein (1858), Mrs. W. H. Aspiuwall, New York ; X<>ro on the Ruins of Rome (1861), National Museum, Pesth ; Wallenstein's En- try into Eger ; Galileo in Prison, Cologne Museum ; Entry of Godfrey de Bouillon into Jerusalem (1862), Maximilianeum, Munich ; Columbus discovering Land (1866), Schaek Gallery, ib. ; Procession of Crusaders in Je- rusalem ; Death of Ciesar (1867), Colonel D. H. McAlpin, New York ; Abbess of Frauen-Chiemsee defending her Convent (1868), Kiinigsberg Museum ; Mary Stuart listening to her Sentence (1869); The Win- ter King receiving News of Battle on White Mountain (1870) ; Dauphin Louis XVII. at Master Simon's (1871) ; Triumph of Ger- mai>icnn (1873), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Henry VIII. condemning Anna Boleyn (1874), Jacob H. Sliiff, New York ; Apres vous, Mon- sieur ! John Hoey, ib.; Sick Mother, Mrs. J. G. Fell, Philadelphia ; Elizabeth of Bo- hemia, H. Probasco, Cincinnati ; Last of the Girondists, G. A. Drummond, Baltimore ; History of Munich (1880), City Hall, Mu- nich ; Wise and Foolish Virgins (1882); Un- der the Arena (1883) ; Council of Three in Venice (1884); Death of Alexander the Great (1886), National Gallery, Berlin. Frescos : Foundation of Kloster Ettak, do. of Ingol- stadt University, Minstrels' Contest at the Wartburg (1865, seq.), Maximilianeum, Mu- nich. Art Journal (1865), 297 ; Athenaeum (1886), ii. 122 ; Garteulaube (1880), 648 ; (1886), 565 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1874), i. 247 ; (1884), i. 292 ; (1886), ii. 122 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, iv. 71 ; xvii. 10 ; xx. 125, 681 ; Kuust f. Alle, i. 327 ; La Ilustraciou (1879), ii. 106 ; Land und Mcer (1870), i. 130 ; N. illustr. Zeitg. (1886), ii. 730 ; Pecht, iii. 202 ; Rc- gnet, ii. 77 ; Schaek, Meine Gemaldesamm- lung (1884), 159 ; Westermann's Monats- hefte, Hi. 115 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., v. 121 ; vi. 146, 307 ; xii. (Mittheilungen, v. 23) ; xix. 4J5