Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/496

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PILS after five 130 ; Allgem. K. C., x. 737 ; Dioskuren j (1860), 101, 107 ; The Studio (1886), ii. 46. PILS, ISIDORE ALEXANDRE AU- GUSTE, born in Paris, Nov. 7, 1815, died at Douarne- nez, Sept. 3, 1875. History painter, pupil of Lethiere, of Picot, and of the Kcole des Beaux Arts, where lie won the grand prix de R o in e in 1838; years in Homo he returned to France, and in 1849 attracted attention by his Rouget de 1'Isle singing the Marseillaise. This was the beginning of a highly success- ful career. Member of Institute, 1SG8. Med- als : 2d class, 1846, 1855 ; 1st class, 1857, 1867 ; Medal of honour, 1861 ; L. of Hon- our, 1857 ; Officer, 1867. Works : St. Peter healing the Lame Man (1838); Christ preach- ing from Simon's Boat, Incident of St. Bar- tholomew (1846); Death of Mary Magdalen (1847, bought by State) ; Passage of the Berezina, Bacchantes and Satyrs, Women and Satyrs Bathing (1848) ; Hwtrjet de lisle (1849), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; Gondola (1849) ; Death of a Sister of Char- ity, Holy Family (1850); Athenian Slaves in Syracuse, Soldiers giving Bread to Poor (1852) ; Prayer in Hospital (1853) ; Trench before Sebastopol (1855) ; French Troops disembarking in Crimea (1858) ; Zouaves in Trenches before Sebastopol, Shooting Prac- tice at Vincennes (1859); Artillery Practice, The Zouave (1860), W. T. Walters, Balti- more ; Artillery Men, B. Wall, Providence ; Zouaves behind lledoubt, Mr. Wigglesworth, Boston ; Battle of the Alma (1861, bought by State) ; Reception by Emperor and Em- press in Algiers in 1860 (1867) ; Return of Hunters to Castle (1869) ; Tuileries in 1871 (1873) ; Holy Thursday in an Italian Con- vent (1874). Becq de Fouquieres, Pils, sa vie, etc. (Paris, 1876) ; Bellier, ii. 275 ; Cla- retie, Peiutres (1882), i. 145 ; Hamerton, French Painters ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1875), xii. 481; L'Art (1875), iii. 48; (1876), v. 256 ; Revue des Deux Mondes (1876), xiii. 864 ; Meyer, Gesch., 647 ; Kunst-Chronik, x. 810. PINCHART, KfflL AUGUSTS, born at Cambrai ; contemporary. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Gc'rome. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works: Worship of Ibis (1868) ; Venus Wounded (1870) ; Rendez-vous (1872) ; The First Tooth, New Year's Day (1878) ; The Bath (1879) ; Edu- cation of Bacchus (1880); Temptation of St. Anthony, Return from Festival (1882) ; At the Fountain (1884); Market Corner at Ge- neva (1885) ; Tobias and the Angel (1886). PINTURICCHIO (Little Painter), BER- NARDINO, born at Perugia in 1454 (?), died at Siena, Dec. 11, 1513. Umbrian school ; real name Bernar- dino di Betti Biagi ; sometimes called also Lo Sordicchio on account of his deafness and the insignificance of his personal appearance. Representing Perugian art as practised by Bonfigli and Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, he almost always painted in tempera, and worked in the spirit of the early Umbrian painters. He was all his life, says Charles Blanc, what Raphael was at twenty years old ; for while the latter enlarged his horizon and devel- oped his genius, he remained a faithful fol- lower of Perugino. In 1484 Piuturicchio became the partner of Perugino at Rome, and worked with him in the Sistine Chapel. He then decorated a chapel in S. M. del Popolo with an Adoration of the Shepherds and scenes from the life of St. Jerome (1485), laid out the choir ceiling in the church, and also painted frescos in the Palazzo Belve- dere and the Palazzo di S. Apostolo, now mostly destroyed. His frescos in the Ca- thedral of Orvieto (1491-92) and those of 446