Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/527

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PROCACCINI Repose in Egypt, Oldenburg ; The Dead Christ, Stuttgart ; Calling of St. Peter, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Holy Family, Augsburg ; do., Madrid ; do. and Angels, Hermitage ; Saint preaching in a Temple, S. Marco, Milan ; Adoration of the Shepherds, Brera, Milan. Ch. Blanc, licole bolonaise ; Burckhardt, 760, 784 ; Lavice, 125, 150. PROCACCINI, CARLO ANTONIO, born in Bologna about 1555, died in 1G05 (?). Bolognese school ; youngest son and pupil of Ercole Procacciui, the elder. Painted landscapes, fruit, and flowers ; was the weakest of the family, but was a favourite with the court and had many orders from Spain. Lanzi, ii. 515 ; Ch. Blanc, Kcole bolouaise ; Siret, 72C. PROCACCINI, ERCOLE, called the el- der, born in Bologna in 1520, died after 1591. Bolognese school, pupil of the Car- racci ; removed to Milan, where he estab- lished a famous school of painting, in which his sous and many other noted painters were educated. Lomazzo calls him a happy imi- tator of the style of Correggio, but Lanzi better characterizes his art as minute in de- sign and feeble in colouring, though more pleasing and accurate than that of most ar- tists of his time. His principal works are in Bologna ; Annunciation, S. Benedetto ; Con- version of St. Paul, Christ in the Garden, S. Giacomo Maggiore ; St. Michael overthrow- ing the Rebel Angels, S. Bernardo ; Pieta, Annunciation, St. Augustine and Angel, Pi- nacoteca. Lauzi, ii. 511 ; Ch. Blanc, ]5cole bolonaise ; Burckhardt, 238, 700, 784 ; Se- guier, 158 ; Siret, 726 ; Gualandi, 91, 95. PROCACCINI, ERCOLE, called the younger, born in Milan in 159G, died there in 1676. Bolognese school ; son of Cai'lo Antonio Procaccini and pupil of his uncle Giulio Cesare. Painted historical and still- life subjects, but excelled in the latter. Af- ter the death of Giulio Cesare, he became director of the Academy of the Procaccini. One of his best works is the Assumption in S. M. Maggiore, Bergamo. Ch. Blanc, Ecole bolonaise ; Siret, 727. PROCACCINI, GIULIO CESARE, born in Bologna in 1548, died in Milan in 1626. Bolognese school; son and pupil of Ercole Procaccini the elder, and brother of Camil- lo. Said to have studied in the school of the Car- racci at Bologna, but more prob- ably took Cor- reggio for his model ; and was so good an imitator of that painter's style that some of his pictures have been ascribed to him. Many of his works are in the churches of Milan, especially in the Duomo, S. Fedele, S. Prassede, S. Antonio Abbate, S. Celso, S. Tomaso, S. Angelo, S. Giuseppe. He paint- ed also in Genoa, where his Last Supper, called his masterpiece by Charles Blanc, is in the Auuunziata. Other works : His own portrait, Uffizi, Florence ; Apotheosis of S. Carlo, Palazzo Adorno, Genoa ; Adoration of the Magi, Madonna, Palazzo Balbi, ib. ; Holy Family, Palazzo Brignole Sale, ib. ; Last Supper, St. Sebastian, Palazzo Spiuola, ib.; Martyrdom of St. Agatha, Ambrosian Library, Milan ; Adoration of Shepherds, Brera, ib.; Marriage of the Virgin, Parma Gallery ; Virgin and Saints, Turin Gallery ; Samson defeating the Philistines, Madonna, Madrid Museum ; Dead Christ with Magda- len and Angels, National Gallery, Edin- burgh ; St. Sebastian saved by Angels, Brussels Museum ; Joseph's Dream, Berlin Museum ; Holy Family, Man with a Wom- an in his Arms leaping into a Boat, Dresden I Museum ; Holy Family and Angels, Madon- na and St. John, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; do., and Angels, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Liberation of Peter, Stuttgart Museum ; Holy Family, Pieti'i, Vienna Museum. Lanzi, ii. 514 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole bolonaise ; Lavice, 46, 84. j-iiuerauoii 01 jrutei, ouuui LC.Bs.dlF- 475