Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/528

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PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION, EMANCIPATION. See Emancipation. PROCLAMATION AT VERSAILLES, Anton von Werner, Emperor of Germany ; canvas, H. 15 ft. x 27 ft. The Proclama- tion of the German Emperor, January 18, 1871, in the Galerie des Glacea of the Cha- teau at Versailles. On a carpeted platform stands King "William, who has just been pro- claimed German Emperor, with the Crown Prince on his right and his son-in-law, the Grand Duke of Baden, on his left ; grouped sides (narrow panels in grisaille), left the swineherd, right the return home, the father receiving him in the robes of a doge. This is the study of the larger picture (Sa- lon, 18G7), which was bought by Mr. Stew- art for $30,000, exhibited throughout the United States, and finally burned in the West. Photogravure in Art Treasures of America. Art Treasures of America, i. 44. By David Toilers, younger, Louvre, Paris ; copper, H. 2 ft. 3 in. X2 ft. 11 in. ; signed, dated 1644. The prodigal son, seated at Prodigal Son, David Teniers, younger, Louvre, Paris. about them are the German sovereigns and princes, Prince Bismarck, who holds the proclamation in his hand, Von Moltke, Von Blumenthal, Von Stosch, Von Hartmaun, and many others. The artist, who was pres- ent at the scene, has illustrated the moment when the throng wave their helmets and shout their huzzahs. PRODIGAL SON, Edouard Dubufe, A. T. Stewart Collection, New York. A trilogy, the central panel representing in colours the prodigal's riotous living, the characters in Venetian costumes of Titian's time ; the table, left, before a hostelry, with two cour- tesans ; an old woman, leaning upon a stick, asks alms ; a servant pours wine into a glass for the Prodigal, another is coming out of the door, and a third is making out the bill ; behind the table, two musicians ; at right, background, a river, on the further bank of which the Prodigal is seen kneeling near a hog-trough. Collection of Louis XVX ; sale of M. Blondel de Gagney (1776), 28,999 livres; Dazincourt (?) sale (1783), 25,000 livres. Engraved by J. P. Le Bas. Filhol, i. PI. 21 ; Villot, Cat. Louvre. 478