Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/88

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LEGRAS ing ; Forest of Fontainebleau, Farm Interior (1791) ; A Mine, Stable Interior (1795). Immerzeel, ii. 10G ; Weale, Cat. Acacl. de Bruges, 97. LEGRAS, AUGUSTE, born at Perigueux (Donlogne), June 2, 1817. History and portrait painter, pupil of Bonnefond and of Ary Scheffer. Medal, 3d class, 1857. Works; Refugium Peceatorum, Mater Do- lorosa (1857) ; Return of the Holy Women from Christ's Tomb (1859) ; The Jewels, Little Charmer (1805) ; The Toilet time of Louis XIII. (18(58) ; The Mirror, do. (18(59) ; Reverie, do. (1870) ; Child's Prayer (1873) ; Arethusa (1874) ; Cherbourg Mu- seum ; Mary Magdalen at the Foot of the Cross (1877") ; The Four Ages (1881) ; Cur- men (1882) ; Ave Maria (1883) ; Little Vio- let Seller in Time of Louis XV., An Ama- teur Rat (1884). Bellier, i. 977. LEGROS, ALPHOXSE, born at Dijon, May 8, 1837. His- tory, genre, and por- trait painter, pupil of Lecoq de Boisbau- dran and Ecole des Beaux Arts ; exhibit- ed at Salon of 1857 a notable portrait of his father, and in 1859 The Angelus (Seymour Had en, London), which attracted attention; went in 18(53 to London, where he still resides ; lie- came professor of etching at South Kensing- ton Art School, and in 187(5 succeeded E. J. Pointer as Slado professor of fine arts at University College, London. Noted also for etchings and drawings in chalk and sepia ; has exhibited sculptures and bronzes at Grosvenor Gallery. Medals : Paris, 1867, 18G8. Works : Ex Voto (18(51), Dijon Mu- seum ; Messe des Morts (18G3) ; Return of the Prodigal (18G5) ; Martyrdom of St. Stephen (I860), Avranches Museum ; Cupid and Psyche (18G7) ; Amende honorable (18G8), Luxembourg Museum ; Demoiselles du mois de Marie (18G8), M. Mi6"ville ; Pil- grimage, Liverpool Gallery ; Chantres es- paguols, Benediction of the Sea, Eustace Smith, London ; The Coppersmith (1875), C. A. lonides, London ; The Baptism (1877), Sir George Howard ; Repose of Day, Repas des Pauvres (1878) ; Jacob's Dream (1879) ; LTucendie (1880) ; Old Wood-Burner, St. Jerome (1881) ; Rocky Landscape, Women praying in Church Porch (1884) ; Portraits of Browning, Huxley, Burne-Jones, Gam- betta, etc. Gaz. des B. Arts (1869), i. 500 ; (187(5), xiii. 5G9; Portfolio (1875), 114; Athenaeum, 1873 ; Miiller, 326 ; Art Jour- nal (1881), 294 ; Univ. Mag. (1880), v. 198. LKHMANN, (KARL ERNST RUDOLF) HEIXRICH, born at Kiel, Schleswig, April 14, 1814, died in Paris, March 31, 1882. History and portrait painter, son and pupil of Leo Lehmann, then pupil of Ingres in Paris. In 1837 he visited Munich, in 1838 Italy ; then settled in Paris, became natu- ralized (1847), and took rank among the most distinguished painters of the capital. Med- als : 2d class, 1835 ; 1st class, 1840, 1848, 1855 ; L. of Honour, 1846 ; Officer, 1853 ; Member Institute, 18G4 ; Member superior council of the Beaux Arts, 1875 ; professor in Ecole des Beaux Arts. Works : Tobias and the Angel (1835) ; Jephtha's Daughter (183G) ; Don Diego, father of the Cid (1836), Lyons Museum ; The Fisherman (1837) ; Death of Robert-le-Fort at Brisserte in 886, Battle of Beauge in 1421 (1837), Charles VH. (2), Louis VHI., Hugues de Payens first Grandmaster of the Templars, Gabrielle d'Eshves, Versailles Museum ; St. Catherine borne to the Tomb by Angels, Virgin with Infant Jesus (1840) ; Flagellation of Christ, St. Nicholas, Boulogne ; Maruccia, Women near the Water (1842) ; Faustina, Jeremiah (1842), Angers Museum ; The Creditors, Hamlet, Ophelia (1846) ; At the Foot of the Cross, Sirens (1848) ; Leonidas (1848), Nantes Museum ; Consolation of the Afflict- ed, Assumption, Grief of the Oceanidea (1850), Luxembourg Museum ; The Dream (1852) ; Infant Jesus and Magi, Undine, Venus Anadyomeue, Dream of Erigone