Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/89

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LEIIMAXN (1855) ; Adoration of the Magi and Shep- herds (1855), Reims Museum ; Saint Agnes, Education of Tobias (1859) ; Rest (1864), Luxembourg Museum ; Sarah's Arrival at the Homo of Tobias (18G(i) ; Moss-grown Rocks at Cauterets, Sea Rocks at Biarritz (1867) ; Calypso (1870) ; ceiling of the great Hall in (he Palais do Justice, and of the Ecole de Droit, mural paintings in the Throne Hall, Luxembourg Palaco, etc. ; Portrait of him- self, Uffizi, Florence. Appleton's Art Jour., Feb., 1870 ; Bellier, i. 982 ; Bitard, 804 ; Meyer, Gesch., 360, 374, Gil ; Larousse ; L'Art (1883), i. 79 ; Gourrier de 1'Art (1882), 107, 221 ; Art Journal (1874), 169 ; Kunst- Chronik, xvii. 494. LEHMANN, RUDOLF, born at Otten- sen, near Altona, Aug. 19, 1819. Genre and portrait painter, son and pupil of Leo Lehmann, and pupil of his brother Hem- rich ; travelled in Germany, lived for some time in England, settled in Rome, and in 1866 removed to London. Medals : 3d class, 1843 ; 2d class, 1845, 1848. Works : Women of Procida in a Boat (1841), Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Spinning Woman (1842) ; Pilgrim Woman in the Campagna (1845) ; Sixtus V. blessing the Pontine Marshes (1847), Lille Museum ; Carnival Scene, Sibyl, Graziella (1854) ; Morning in the Pontiue Marshes (I860) ; Tasso returning to Sorrento ; Roman Serenade, Collection I of Prince of Wales ; Foundling Hospital at i Rome ; Fortune-Teller, Favour of an Answer requested (18G8); After the Fire (18G9); Out of the World (1870) ; May wo come in ? (1871) ; Confessions (1872); Ave Maria (1874); Alma and her Pet Kittens (1875) ; After the Sit- ting (1876); Dolce far Niente (1881); Plait- ing her Golden Hair, Roman Flower Girl (1883); Homewards (1884); Portraits of Earl of Stair, Duchess of Northumberland, Lady Herries, Lord Houghton, etc. Meyer, Gesch., 540 ; Forster, v. 553 ; Miiller, 327. LEHNEN, JACOB, born at Hinterweiler, Rhenish Prussia. Jan. 17, 1803, died at Cob- lentz, Sept. 25, 1847. Still-life painter, pupil of Diisseklorf Academy ; painted es pecially kitchen pieces with different kinds of vessels, also hunts and landscapes. Works : Breakfast (1830), Still Life (1831). Pantry (1854), National Gallery, Berlin; Still Life (1839), Ravene Gallery, ib. ; do. (1836), Konigsberg Museum. LEHOUX, PIERRE AURIEN PASCAL, born in Paris, Aug. 9, 1844. History paiiii- er, pupil of Cabanel. A vigorous and ef- fective painter, who won the Salon prize on its first bestowal, 1874. Medals : 2d class, 1873 ; 1st class, 1874. Works : Mercury and Argus (18G9) ; Hemon beside the Body of Antigone (1870) ; Bellerophon conquer- ing the Chimera (1872), Valenciennes Mu- seum ; David and Goliath, An Oceanidc (1873) ; St. Lawrence the Martyr (1874), Luxembourg Museum ; Samson breaking his Bonds (1H75) ; The Constellation of Bootes (1876) ; St. Stephen the Martyr (1877); Surprise, The Wrestlers (1878); St. John the Baptist (1879) ; The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (1880) ; The Baptist, Mars (1881); The Suicide, In Flight (1882); Shepherd choking a Lion (1883) ; Calvary, Baptism of Christ (1884). Larousse. LEIBL, WILHELM, born in Cologne, Oct. 23, 1844. Portrait and genre painter, pupil in Munich of Piloty ; took Van Dyck for his model ; went to Paris in 1869, where he took up genre painting ; received a medal, and returned to

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Munich in 1870. Works : Portrait of his Father (1866), Co- logne Museum ; Female Portrait (1870) ; Lady in Old German Costume (1873) ; Smoking Woman ; Female Head (1879), Dresden Gallery ; Conversation in a Tav- ern, Peasant Politicians, At Church (1882), Vienna Exposition. Zeitschr. f. b. K., xvii. 343 ; Miiller, 328 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1882), ii. 9 ; N. ill. Zeitg. (1882), i. 30. 53