Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/117

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UOUFFIO Vienna (1685), then under Carlotto in Ven- ice ; settled in Vienna, where he was court painter to Leopold I, Joseph L, and Charles VI. Works : Iphigenia in Aulis, Museum, Vienna ; St. Charles Borromeo (1728), Holy Family, St. Michael, St. Francis, St. Ste- phen's, ib.; Ceiling in fresco (1708), Liech- tenstein Palace, ib.; do., Magistracy, ib.; several pictures, Joanneum, Gratz. Fres- cos : Cupola and Chapel ceilings, St. Pe- ter's, Vienna ; do., St. Charles Borromeo's, ib.; do. (169G), Jesuit Church, Breslau ; other works in Cathedral at Passau, Car- melites at Katisbon, and other places in Ba- varia. -Lipowski, ii. 50 ; Wurzbach, xxvii. 171 ; Kunst-Chronik, xx. 754. KOUFFIO, PAUL, born at Marseilles ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Cabanel and of Chozzal. Medal, 3d class, 1879. Works : Courtesan (1873) ; Samson and Delilah (1874), Marseilles Mu- seum ; Herodias (1875) ; Circe, Fanchon (1876); Truth, Mademoiselle la neige (1877); Trio of Masks in Don Juan (1878); Comedy, Olympus (1879) ; Carmen, Violin of Sera- phine (1880); Avarice, Coffee coming to the Rescue of the Muse (1881) ; Hour of the Bath, Soap Bubbles (1882) ; Letter to the Betrothed, Bottom of the Cup (1883) ; Dis- agreement about the Route, Pandora (1884); On Pilgrimage, No Vocation (1885); Return from the Ball, Miso Castagne (1886). ROUGET, GEORGES, born in Paris, May 2, 1784, died there, April 9, 1869. History and portrait painter, pupil and imi- tator of David. Won 2d prize for painting in 1802. He often assisted David in the execution of his works, and painted a copy of the Coronation of Napoleon, signed by David, which was exhibited in America. Medals : 2d class, 1814 ; 1st class, 1855 ; L. of Honour, 1822. Works: French Princes paying Homage at the Cradle of the King of Rome (1812), Death of St. Louis (1817), Versailles Museum ; Ecce Homo (1819), Church of St. Gervais, Paris ; (Edipus and Antigone on Mount Cytherou (1819), Rouen Museum ; Francis I. pardon- ing Rebels of La Rochelle (1822) ; Christ on the Mount (1824), St Nicolas des Champa, Paris ; St. Louis receiving at Ptolemais the Envoys of the Old Man of the Mountain (1819), St. Louis as Mediator between Henry III of England and his Barons (1820), As- sembly of the Notables at Rouen in 1596 (1822), Henri IV. at Siege of Paris (1824), St Louis rendering Justice under the Oak at Viucennes (1826), Versailles Museum ; Henri IV. abjuring Protestantism (1833) ; Marriage of Napoleon and Mario Louise, 1810 (1837), Napoleon receiving the De- cree of the Senate proclaiming him Empe- ror (1838), St. Louis landing at Damietta (1839), Versailles Museum ; Death of Na- poleon (1846) ; Titus in Judea, Vitellius giving Christians to Wild Beasts (1847) ; Last Moments of Napoleon, Henri IV. and his Children (1850) ; Marshal Soult and Souvenirs of the Empire (1853) ; Soult in his Office, Incident of War in Italy, Com- mittee of Artists at the Death-Bed of an Artist (1861); Christ and the Virgin (1866); Assumption, St. Germain 1'Auxerrois, Paris ; St. Louis pardoning Pierre de Bretagne, St Louis prisoner in Egypt, Fontainebleau Pul- ace ; Death of Marshal Lannes, Douai Mu- seum ; Portrait of General Meunier, Besan- <;on Museum ; do. of Louis XVIH. (1817), Rheims Museum ; Portraits of Clovis HI., Charles IIL, of nine Marshals of France, and of sixteen Generals and others, Ver- sailles Museum. Bellier, ii. 424 ; Larousse ; Meyer, Gesch., 169. ROUGET DE L'ISLE, Isidore PH.", Lux- embourg Museum ; canvas, H. 2 ft 3 in. x 3 ft. Rouget de 1'Islo singing the Marseil- laise for the first time, in the house of Die- trich, Mayor of Strasbourg. Salon, 1849. ROUILLARD, JEAN SKBASTIEN, born in Paris in 1789, died there in 1852. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil of David. Medals : 2d class, 1822 ; 1st class, 1827 ; L. of Honour. Works : Alexander support- ing Lysirnachus (1819); Portrait of General Bonaparte (1836), Portraits of Marshals Schomberg, Bellefonds, Macdouald (1837),