Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/126

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KUBENS'S SONS tume, walking in a flower garden ; she has a little child in leading strings. Waagen says, " Few other pictures by Kubens equal, Rubens and Helena Fourment, Rubens, Blenheim Palace. and none probably surpass it." Presented to Duke of Marlborough by City of Brus- sels. Engraved by McArdell. Studies in Louvre. Similar subject, with changes, Munich Gallery. Waagen, Art Treasures, iii. 129 ; Smith, ii. 243 ; Klas. der Malerei, PI. 7. EUBENS'S SONS, Rubens, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; wood, H. 5 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. Rubens's sons by Isabella Brandt. Full- length, in Spanish costume. The younger, Nicolas, holds a flying bird attached to a string ; the elder, Albert, has one arm over his brother's shoulder and holds a book un- der the other. Engraved by Pichler. One of Rubens's best pictures. Replica, Dres- den Gallery ; engraved by Daullu ; Danzel ; Tanje. Smith, ii. 83, 100 ; Klas. der Ma- lerei, PI. 8. RUBIALES, PEDRO, born in Estrema- dura, died in Rome (?), latter half of 16th century. Spanish school ; pupil of Fran- cisco Salviati, whom he assisted in many works. Painted in S. Spirito, Rome, the Conversion of St. Paul. Also, with Becerra, aided Vasari, who calls him Roviale, in the frescos of the Cancellaria in the palace of Cardinal Farnese. Vasari, ed. Mil., vi. 229 ; vii. 43, 681 ; Stirling, i. 153. RUDDER, LOUIS HENRI DE, born in Paris, Oct. 17, 1807. History painter, pu- pil of Gros and Charlet. Medals : 3d class, 1840 ; 2d class, 1848 ; L. of Honour, 1863. "Works : Children taking Game from sleep- ing Game-Keeper (1834) ; Death of John of Armagnac (1835) ; Claude Larcher (1836) ; Claude Frollo, Charles IE. and Alice Lee, Rubens's Sons, Rubens, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna. Boy and Schoolmaster, Gringoire before Louis XI. (1837) ; Marmion Wounded (1838) ; Hamlet killing Polonius, Lanz-