Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/127

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RUDE knecbts (1839) ; St. Augustine, Children (1840) ; Christ, Mutual Lesson (1841) ; SL George giving Thanks for his Victory (1842) ; Divine Mission (1844) ; Head of Christ, Shepherd and Child (1845); Outlaws of the Cevennes, Naiiid, Blaise de Montluc (1849) ; Women Bathing (1850) ; Christ Crowned with Thorns (1855) ; Echo of the Ravine, Pifferaro (1859) ; Mater Dolorosa, Nicolas Flamel, Luxembourg Museum ; Christ in the Garden, St. John (1863) ; Shepherd of the Abruzzi, Christ falling under the Cross, Christ stripped of his Clothing (1864); Ecce Homo (1865), Saint- IStienne Museum ; Mater Dolorosa, The Muse (1867) ; Autumn Evening, Mercena- ries, Mater Dolorosa (1868) ; Poetry and Materialism, Woods of Couvron, Lamartine on his Death-Bed (1869) ; Head of Christ, Judas (1870) ; Mandolinata, A Student (1875); Ecce Homo, The Douet at Beuzeval (1878) ; Portrait of the historian Pasquier, Versailles Museum. Executed twenty ceil- ings of large dimensions, and decorative panels in oil, for the United States. Bel- lier, ii. 440 ; Larousse. RUDE, Mine. SOPHIE FRfiMIET, born in Dijon, June 20, 1797, died in Paris, Dec. 4, 1867. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Devosge and of David, and wife of the sculptor Rude. Medal, 2d class, 1833. Works : Virgin Sleeping (1831), Dijon Museum ; Charles L bidding Fare- well to his Children (1833); Arrest of Duch- ess of Burgundy in Bruges (1841), Dijon Museum ; Faith, Hope, and Charity (1857). Larousse. RUDOLPH OF HAPSBURG, liubens, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. 3 in. The founder of the Austrian em- pire, hunting in the woods, followed by a single esquire, gives his horse to a priest carrying the Host to a dying person, and bids his esquire give his to the priest's aco- lyte. The landscape is by Wildens. Col- lection of Philip IV. Madrazo. RUELAND, F., flourished in Vienna, end of 15th ajid beginning of 16th centuries. German school. Works : Four Scenes from Christ's Passion, Vienna Museum ; series with Scenes from life of Si John, Christ's Passion, Legend of St. Leopold, Stift Klos- terneuburg, near Vienna. W. & W., ii. 127. RUFTNA, ST., MurUlo, Stafford House, London ; canvas, H. 3 ft. x 2 fi 2 in. The Saint, half-length, in a green robe and pur- ple mantle, standing three-quarters left, looking front, holding a jar in her left hand by one of its handles ; another jar, resting on left wrist, is held against her body ; in her right hand, a palm. Companion to St. Junta (Stafford House), which see. Curtis, 268 ; Gower, Hist. Gal. of England. RUFUS, painter, known only for his wager with an attorney named Phrcdrus as to which could work the faster. The latter won, by writing a contract while Rufus was preparing his colours. Anuall, ii. 339, No. 105. RUGENDAS, GEORG PHTLTPP, born in Augsburg, Nov. 27, 1666, died there, May 19, 1742. Ger- man school ; bat- tle and military genre painter, pu- pil of Isaac (or Ja- cob) Fischer, took Bourguignon, Lembkc, and Tempesta, for his models, and studied the various events of a soldier's profession, as at the siege of Augsburg, where he often exposed himself to the great- est danger ; ranks among the most famous battle painters ; was an able draughtsman, but a defective colourist. In 1692 he visit- ed Venice and Rome, and after his return to Augsburg became director of the Draw- ing Academy. Works : Nine Battle-Pieces, Brunswick Gallery; Siege of Augsburg, Battle, Charge of Cavalry, Bamberg Gallery ; Cattle-Pieces (2), Cassel Gallery; Cavalry Skirmish (2), Moltke Collection, Copen- hagen ; do. (1), Christiania Gallery ; do., Furstenberg Gallery, Donaueschingeu ; do., 87