Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/138

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SABLET rush in between the combatants and pray their husbands and fathers to be reconciled (Livy, i. 13). At the right, Romulus, about to hurl his spear at Tatius, is stopped by his wife, Hersilia ; in background, the ram- parts of the Capitol occupied by the Sa- bines, who had obtained possession through the treachery of Tarpeia. Exhibited pri- vately, by which David made 65,627 francs. Salon of 1808 ; acquired in 1819, with Le- onidas at Thermopylae, for 100,000 francs. Male Portrait, Nantes Museum. Bellier, ii. 445. SABLET, FRANCOIS, born at Merges, Switzerland, in 1745, died at Nantes in 1819. Landscape, genre, and portrait paint- er, pupil in Paris of Vien ; visited Italy, and after his return assisted Mme. Lebrun in her works for Louis XVL, then settled at Nantes ; in 1812 he was commissioned by the city to paint six pictures in imitation of bas-reliefs, representing scenes of Napole- Sabine Women, Louis David, Louvre, Paris. Engraved by R. U. Massard. Laudon ; Vil- lot, Cat. Louvre ; Reveil, ii. 136. SABLET, JACQUES HENRI, born at Merges, Switzerland, in 1749 (1751 ?), died in Paris in 1803. Genre, landscape, and portrait painter, pupil at Lyons of Dubois and Cocher, decorative painters, and in Paris of Vien ; spent twenty years in Italy, and travelled in Spain. Works : Old Man Reading, Italian Washerwomen, Vintage in Italy, Meeting of the Five Hundred at Saint Cloud on the 18th Brumaire, Year VIII., on's sojourn at Nantes ; these were sold in 1815 and carried to the United States. Works : View of Tivoli, Entrance into Sa- voy, View in Italy, View in Nantes, Male Portraits (2), Nantes Museum. Bellier, ii. 446 ; Nagler, xiv. 127. SACCHI, ANDREA, born near Rome, November, 1600, died there, June 21, 1661. Roman school ; natural son of Benedetto Sacchi, a mediocre painter, who taught him the rudiments of art ; apprenticed to Albani in Rome, and became one of his most noted 98