Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/139

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SACCIII scholars. Obtained the favour of Urban VHL, who commissioned him to paint the miracle of St. Gregory for St. Peter's, now in the Vatican. His work entitled Divine Wis- dom, Palazzo Barberi- ni, gained him great reputation, which was enhanced by his Vision of St Romuald, Vatican. Sacchi was considered the most able painter in Rome of his day. He was one of the best colourists of the Roman school, and a cor- rect designer ; and if his works sometimes lack in power, it is because he did not pos- A /'"V sess enough of the artistic temperament to express his noble concep- tions. Ch. Blanc, Ecole ombrienne ; Burck- hardt, 793. SACCHI DI PAVIA, PIER-FRANCES- CO, painted in Genoa in 1512-26. Geno- ese school Lomazzo, who calls him Pier- Francesco Pavese, says that he painted in Mantua about 1460 ; but Lanzi thinks there must have been two of the name. His style is of the Lombard school, and especially like that of Carlo Mautegna. Works : Christ on the Cross (1514), Berlin Museum ; Doc- tors of the Church with Symbols of the Evangelists (1516), Louvre ; St. John Bap- tist taking Leave of his Parents (dated 1512), Oratory of S. Maria, Genoa ; Three Saints in a Landscape, S. M. di Castello, Genoa. Lanzi, iii. 237 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole genoise ; Burckhardt, 610 ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 500. SACCHIENSIS. See Pordenone. SACHS, MICHAEL EMTL, born at Ha- damar, Hesse-Nassau, in 1836. Landscape painter, pupil in Carlsruhe of Schiriner (1855-58), and in DUsseldorf of Oswald Achenbach (1858-60) ; lived at Wiesbaden in 1860-65, then settled at Parteukircheu, ' Bavaria, where he is director of a central school for wood carving. Paints with fine conception and great truth. Works : Views on the Rhine and Lahn ; In the Eifel ; The Taunus and the Bavarian Alps. - Holler, 455. SACHTLEVEN. See Saft-Leuen. SACK OF A JEWS HOUSE, Joseph Nicolas /totert-Fleury, Luxembourg Muse- um ; canvas, H. 8 ft. x 6 ft 8 in. Pillage of a house in the Judecca, Venice, in the mid- dle ages. "Under the slightest pretext, the people ran to the Jews' quarter, broke open their houses, and pillaged their treas- ures." Salon, 1855. SACRA FAMILIA. See Holy Family. SACRAMENTS, SEVEN, Nicolas row- sin, Bridgewater House, London ; series of seven pictures, canvas, each H. 3 ft 10 in. x 5 ft. 9 in. 1. Baptism ; 2. Confirma- tion ; 3. Marriage ; 4. Penitence ; 5. Ordina- tion ; 6. Last Supper ; 7. Extreme Unction. Painted at Rome in 1644-48 for M. Chante- lou, from whom bought by the Regent Phil- ippe, Due d'OrU'aus, for 120,000 livres ; pur- chased from Orleans Gallery by Duke of Bridgowater for 4,900. Engraved by B. Audran ; Pesne ; Dughet ; Gantrel ; and in Orleans Gallery. Waagen, Treasures, ii 39 ; Smith, viii. 63. SACRED WOOD (Le Bois sacn', cher aux Arts et aux Muses), Pierre Puri* cle Chavannes, Paris ; canvas. A large allegor- ical picture containing a lake with wooded banks and a temple in a flowery meadow with figures in semi-classic draperies, some standing, some reclining, and two, at left, flying, representing the Arts and the Muses. Salon, 1884. Gaz. dcs B. Arts (1884) ,xxix. 470, 488. SADtiE, PHILIP, born at The Hague, Feb. 7, 1837. Genre painter, pupil of the Hague Academy under J. E. J. van den j Berg ; visited France and Germany, painted at first historical subjects, then excellent scenes from peasant and fishermen's life. Medals in Amsterdam, The Hague, and Vienna. Works : Potato Harvest in the M