Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/148

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SAMARITAN SAMARITAN, GOOD (Luke. x. 30), Eu- gene Delacroix, M. Auguste Vacquerie ; canvas, H. 1 ft. 2 in. x 11 in. The good Samaritan striving, with much care and solicitude, to put the wounded traveller upon his horse. Chesneau, CEuvre Dela- croix, 311. By Rembrandt, Louvre ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 9 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. ; signed, dated 1648. Two men assisting into an inn a wounded travel- ler, whose horse a stable-man holds ; on right, the Good Samaritan on the steps, purse in hand, commending the sufferer to the care of the landlady ; above, three fig- ers; Samson and Delilah, Anton van Dyck, Vienna Museum. ures looking out of a window. Collection of Louis XVI. ; bought at sale of Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht (1785). Engraved by Baron Deiion ; J. de Frey (1798) ; Longhi in Musee franyais ; Oortman. Cat. Louvre ; Eastlake, Louvre, 182 ; Smith, vii. 51 ; Vos- rnaer, 213, 476. Subject treated also by Jacopo Bassano, National Gallery, London, and Vienna Mu- seum ; Adam Elsheimer, Louvre ; Domenico Feti, Dresden Museum ; Paolo Veronese, ib. ; Herri de Bles, Vienna Museum ; Will- iam Hogarth, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London ; Pierre Lacour, Bordeaux Muse- um ; Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Brera, Dreber (1848), Dresden Gallery ; Theodule Itibot (1870), Luxembourg Museum ; Jean Jacques Henner (Salon, 1874). SAMSON AND DELILAH ( Judges, xvi.), Anton van Dyck, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 7 in. x 8 ft. 2 in. Samson, just awakened from his slumber, stooping and with one kuee on the ground, is struggling with the Philistines ; Delilah, in a white vest and red mantle, is lying on the couch, at the head of which is an elderly woman. From Van Amory Collection, Amsterdam (1722), 4,300 florins. Engraved by H. Sny- Prenner ; J. Macunl ; L. Bonnet ; Ax- mann ; etched by Ch. Walt- ner (1873). Same subject, Hampton Court. Smith, iii. 32; Guiffrey, 243; Gaz. des B. Arts (1873). By Rembrandt, Cassel Gallery ; canvas, H. 7 ft. 8 in. x9 ft. 1 in.; signed, dated 1636. Seven figures. Samson, betrayed by De- lilah, who is escaping from the room with his locks in her hand, is insulted by the Philistines, who hold him prostrate. Taken to Paris ; returned in 1815. Engraved by F. Landerer (1760); Jacobi (1785). 446 ; Smith, vii. 12 ; Eeveil, iv. Vosmaer, 242. By Rubens, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 1 in. Nine figures. Six Philistines are binding Samson, who is struggling, with one knee on the couch on which Delilah is lying, holding the scissors in her hand ; at the head of the couch, an old woman, looking on. Engraved by Henry Snyers ; lithographed by Piloty. Similar composition, Vienna Gallery, by Van Dyck. Smith, ii. 65 ; ix. 265 ; Beveil, xiv. 952. By Alessandro Turchi, Louvre ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 3 in. x 8 ft. 5 in. Delilah, seated upon a couch holding the sleeping Sam- Milan ; Louis Cabat (Salon, 1840) ; Franz son's head in her lap, gives a signal to two 108