Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/149

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SAMSON'S WEDDING Philistine soldiers to seize him ; a barber is cutting off his hair, and at left two chil- dren have his sword and the ass's jaw- bone. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Landon. Subject treated also by Lucas Cranach, Dresden and Augsburg Museums ; Adrien van der Werff, Sans Souci, Potsdam ; Ge- rard Houthorst, City Hall, Dordrecht ; Got- fried Schalken, Bordeaux Museum ; Jacopo Seinenti, ib. ; Eugene Delacroix, M. Dau- bigny, Paris ; Louis Marie Baader (Salon, 1857) ; Ferdinand Hum- bert (Salon, 1873). SAMSON'S WED- DING, Rembrandt, Dres- den Gallery ; canvas, H. 4 ft. x 5 ft. 10 in. ; signed, dated 1638. Samson's wife (portrait of Saskia) seated at table with other guests, before a dais, in a hall richly hung with ta- pestry ; at left, Samson proposing his enigma to the Philistines, among whom are musicians with instruments. Engraved by Massaloff. Vosmaer, 80, 450 ; Bode, Studien, 443, 568. SAMSON VICTORI- OUS, Guido Eeni, Bologna Gallery ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 1 in. x 6 ft. 9 in. Samson, nearly nude, after battle quenches his thirst with water from the jaw-bone of an ass with which he has slain a thousand Philistines. Duplicate of picture in Turin Gallery. En- graved by Bolognini ; Tomba. Pinac. di Bologna, PL 6 ; Lavice, 12, 410. . SAMUEL, INFANT, Sir Joshua Ev/noldx, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 10 in. x2 ft. 3 in. Infant Samuel, full- length, kneeling at prayer, with a ray of light falling upon him. Exhibited at Royal Academy in 1776 ; bequeathed by Lord Farnborough in 1838. Engraved by J. Dean ; J. Lucas ; and others. Duplicates in Dulwich Gallery, Cobham Hall, and oth- er collections. Copy by J. R. Powell at Somerby, seat of Earl of Normanton, mis- taken for an original by Waagen, who calls it the finest example he knows of the pict- ure. Pulling, 59 ; Waagen, Art Treasures, iii. 26. SAMUEL APPEARING TO SAUL, Sal- vator Ilosa, Louvre ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 11 in. X 6 ft. 3 in. The shade of Samuel evoked by the Witch of Endor, who stirs the fire on a tripod ; at left, Saul, prostrate, raises Samson and Delilah, Rembrandt, Cassel Gallery. his eyes to Samuel ; in background, behind Samuel, the two soldiers of Saul, stricken with fear ; behind the witch, skeletons, owls, and fantastic forms. Collection of Louis XIV. Engraved by Guttemberg. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Musee royal ; Landon, Mu- see, ix. PI. 18 ; Filhol, xi. PI. 67. SANCHEZ DE CASTRO, JUAN, nour- ished at Seville, middle of 15th century, died after 1516. Spanish school ; painted in 1454, under influence of the Van Eyck school, pictures for the Cathedral of Seville, and in 1484 a St. Christopher in fresco, in S. Juliano, repainted in 1775. He was the first painter of note in the school of Anda- kisia. Stirling, i. 81 ; Cean Bermudez. SANCHEZ COELLO, ALONSO, born at 109