Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/152

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SANT (1862), Madrid Museum ; Market Square in Gerona, Fortune, Chance and Folly distrib- uting their Gifts, Friend's Visit (1871) ; Mercury leading the Histrionic Arts ; Apol- lo chasing Night; General Prim and the Catalonian Volunteers at Tetuan ; Death of Churruca at Trafalgar; Portraits of Isabella II, Charles V., Alfonso V., Alfonso XII., Barcelona University. In fresco : En- try of Charles V. into Home, Conquest of Fort of Goletta, Battle of Muhlberg, Visit of Francis I. to Charles V., Alcazar, To- ledo. La Eustracion (1881), i. 298 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xx. 852. SANT, JAMES, born in London in 1820. Figure and portrait painter, pupil of John Varley, and student in 1840 of Royal Acad- emy. Very successful as a painter of por- traits, especially of children ; elected an A. RA. in 1861, and RA. in 1871. In 1872 he was appointed principal painter in ordi- nary to the Queen. Among his sitters have been the Queen, Prince Albert, children of the Prince of Wales, and other members of the royal family, and many of the nobility. Other -works : Children in the "Wood (1854); Fortune Teller (1855); Infancy (1857); Lit- tle Red Riding Hood (1860) ; First Source of Sorrow (1862); Taking Notes (1863); Turn again Whittington (1864) ; Light in Dark Places (1866) ; Mentouese Children (1869) ; Alone (1870) ; Schoolmaster's Daughter (1871); Peaches (1874); Early Post (1875); Gleanings (1877) ; Little Zara (1878) ; Ad- versity (1879) ; Maidenhood (1882) ; Love- Birds (1883); Sylvia (1884); Forget-me- not (1885) ; Portrait of Adeliua Patti (1886). SANTA CONVERSAZIONE, Pa/ma Vec- chio, Naples Museum ; wood, H. 2 ft 10 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. The Virgin seated on a knoll, with farm in distance ; Jesus gives his bless- ing to a couple whose heads and arms are seen at edge of picture as they approach the knoll and are introduced by St. Jerome ; to the left, St. John Baptist on one knee ; St. Catherine near the trunk of a tree. One of Palina's best ; shows Tjtianesque vigour and richness. Formerly in Casa Barberigo, San Polo. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 470. By PaZmaVeccbio, Vienna Museum ; wood, H. 4 ft 2 in. x 6 ft 3 in. The Virgin, rest- ing at foot of a tree, presents Jesus to SS. Catherine, Celestin, John Baptist, and a female Saint. Probably picture formerly be- longing to Galia di Fano, Venice. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 471. SANTA CROCE. See Francesco and Gi- rolamo da Santa Croce. SANTA FAZ. See Ecce Homo, Murillo. SANTAFEDE, FABRIZIO, born in Na- ples about 1560, died there in 1635. Nea- politan school ; son and pupil of Francesco Santafede ; afterwards pupil of Francesco Curia, and then visited Rome, Bologna, Venice, and Florence to study the great masters. Employed in considerable works on return to Naples. It is said that when Naples was sacked by the insurgents under Masaniello (1647), two halls which Santa- fede had painted were spared, out of respect for the artist. Works : Madonna with Saints (1595), NaplesMuseum ; Holy Family, Hague Museum, and pictures in churches. Fabrizio was the master of Massimo Stanzioni. Ch. Blanc, Ecole napolitaine ; Siret, 829. SANTAFEDE, FR1NCESCO, flourished about 1555. Neapolitan school ; pupil of Andrea da Salerno. Works in churches in Naples, among the best being the Corona- tion of the Virgin, in S. M. la Nuova (though some ascribe this to Fabrizio, his son) ; and Resurrection, Chapel of the Monte di Pieta. Ch. Blanc, cole napolitaiue. SANTERRE, JEAN BAPTISTE, born at Magny (Seine-et-Oise), Jan. 1, 1658, died in Paris, Nov. 21, 1717. French school ; genre and portrait painter, pupil of Franjois Lemaire and of Boullogne the elder. Paint- ed his St. Theresa for Louis XIV. and obtained a pension, and for his Susanna was made Member of the Academy, 1704. Works : Susanna Bathing (1704), Louvre ; Marie Adelaide of Savoy, Louise Adelaide d' Orleans (2), The Regent and Madame de Parabere, Versailles Museum ; St. Theresa