Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/153

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SANTI in Ecstasy, Chapel, ib. ; Female Cook, Bor- deaox Museum ; do., and ToongGiri Asleep, Nantes Museum: Allegory on Paint- ing, Curiosity, Gar- dener, Orleans Mu- seum; Songstress, Rouen Museum; others in museums at Niort, Reims, Sanmnr, Tours; Female Portrait (1699); Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Widow of Ephesns mourn- ing for her Husband, Geometry, Darmstadt 7"~D f > ft * Museum ; Por- J3 <JAH~* Rn E trait of Coypel ; St Theresa Med- itating; Adam and Ere in I S ~" '/ Ch. Blanc, Ecole fran- caise; Honasaye, 152 ; Wurzbach, Fr. MaL des xriii JahrL, 13 ; Bellier iL; JaL 1101. SANTI (Sanzio), GIOVANNI, born in Colbordolo about 1435, died in Urbino, Aug. 1, 1494. Umbrian school ; son of Sante Santi, a huckster, and the father of Ifapliml ; was a painter before 1468; mas- ter unknown, but probably brought up under influence of Piero deDa Francesca and of Melozzo da ForiL Was a man of culture ; wrote a long poem, still extant (Vatican Library), in honour of his patron, Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. Painted a large fresco in the Tiranni Chap- el, S. Domenico. Cagli, in two parts the Resurrection of Christ abore, and the Ma- donna enthroned with Saints below a pleas- ing and well-arranged composition, showing a knowledge of linear perspectire and some skfll in foreshortening. Santi was a pains- taking, onsdentioos artist, who arafled him- o^fi oj XuO8 ^TTTrOT* ^1 n t jf*S JOT ? IMtJfO^B^PCOt ' which came in his way, and thus acquired a technical skfll superior to that of Palme- rucei or NeflL Among the beat of hk pict- ores are : Ailxilitm of the Virgin, Conyent of Monte Fiorentino, near Urbania; Ma- donna with Saints, S. Croce, and Visitation, S. M. Nnora, Fano ; Madonna with Saints, Church of Grodara ; Madonna with Saints, Berlin Museum ; Madonna, National Gal- lery, London ; Annunciation, Brera, Milan ; Boy in Profile, Palazzo Colonna, Rome. C. & C, Italy, iL 579 ; Vasari, ed, Le Mon., viii. 2, 67 ; Passarant, Rafael ron Urbino and man Vater (Leipsic, 1839) ; Pungileoni, Oogio Storico di Gior. Santi (Urbino, 1822); Ch. Blanc, Ecole ombrienne ; C. & C., Raph- ael, L cap. 1. SANTI, RAFFAELLO. See Raphael. SANTI DI TITO, bom at Borgo San Se- polcro, Oct. 6, 1536, died in Florence, July 23, 1603. Florentine school ; pupil of An- gelo Bronzino and of BanJinelli ; went to Rome in 1560 and studied the works of the great masters. Became an excellent de- signer, but was not successful as a colour- ist He returned to Florence after four Jens' jjbmKT and spent most of his life there. Among his works are : Entomb- ment, Berlin Museum : Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, Dead Christ on the Knees of the Virgin, Florence Academy ; Crucifixion, S. Croce, Florence. Ch. Blanc, Ecole noren- tine ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., xii. 304 ; xiiL 182 ; ed. Mfl., rii. 619. SAXTVOORT. DIRCK DIRCKSZ iTAXt, born at Amsterdam in 1610, died there, burietL March 9, 1680. Portrait painter of distinction, probably pupil of Rembrandt, whose -mvnnfr be adopted. Works : Bor- gomaster Dirck Bas and Wife. Regents of Workhouse at Amsterdam il638i. Four do. of another Institution 1 1643 1, Amsterdam ifa^mn ; Young Shepherd playing on a Reed (1632), Rotterdam Museum : Life-aze Portrait of Lhtle Girl .1644, Darmstadt Museum- Krmm T. 1413. SANZIO. See Sou/I. SAPPHIRA DEATH OF. Nicolas P<HB-

  • '*, Lourre : eanTas. H. 4 ft. 6 ft. 6 in.

At right, St. Peter, who is accompanied by two aposUem, stretches his hand toward Sp-