Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/157

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SASONOFF By Rembrandt, Cassel Gallery ; wood, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. 2 in. Profile view, half length, wearing a crimson velvet hat with feathers, and a silk robe, lace neckerchief, necklace, and ear-rings. Painted about 1633 -34. Formerly in Six Collection ; passed from Collection of Madame de Reuver to Cassel. Carried to Paris ; returned in 1815. Engraved by Oortman (1808) ; H. Dthier. Copy in Antwerp Museum. Vosinaer, 48, 435 ; Smith, vii. 158 ; Musue franyais ; Bode, Studien, 417, 456, 566. By Rembrandt, Dresden Gallery ; wood, H. 1 ft 10 in. x 1 ft. 7 in. ; signed, dated 1633. Standing, seen to knees ; in red hat and blue dresa In Royal Collection in 1722 ; placed in Dresden Gallery in 1826. Engraved by S. L. Raab. Vosmaer, 433 ; Bode, Studien, 569. By Rembrandt, Dresden Gallery ; wood, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 9 in. ; signed, dated 1641. Seen to knees ; holds a red pink in her right hand. Formerly in Collection Araignon, Paris ; to Augustus in. in 1743, for 1,500 livres. Engraved by D. J. Pound ; lithographed by Hanfstilngl. Vosmaer, 459 ; Bode, Studien, 569. SASONOFF, WASSILY KONDRATIE- VICH ; contemporary. History painter, pu- pil of St. Petersburg Academy. Works : Hermit Theodorich blessing Son of Prin- cess Marfa ; Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy after Victory of Kulikowo, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. SASSETTA See Stefano di Giovanni. SASSOFERRATO, IL, born in Sassofer- rato, July 11, 1605, died in Rome, April 8, 1685. Roman school ; real name Giovan- ni Battista Salvi ; son and pupil of Tarquinio Salvi, - a mediocre paint- er of Sassof errato ; > v went about 1629 to Naples, where he is sup- posed to have studied with Domenichino. He afterwards studied and copied the works of the great masters in Rome, and became in some sort the rival of Carlo Dolci, devot- ing himself principally to painting Madon- nas and devotional pictures, in which sweet- ness of expression is carried to the extreme of insipidity. Their style is dissimilar, Dol- ci excelling him in strength of colour, and in fineness of pencil Sassoferrato's master- piece, the Madonna del Rosario, is in S. Sa- bina, Rome. Other works : Sorrowing Vir- gin, Uffizi ; Madonna, Brera ; do., Accade- niia di S. Luca, Rome ; do., Palazzo Bor- ghese, ib. ; Madonna with Angels, Vatican ; Madonna della Rosa, Turin Gallery ; Holy Family, Berlin Museum ; Madonna, Brus- sels Museum ; do. (2), Cassel Gallery ; Vir- gin Praying, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Madonna, Vienna Museum ; Madonna, As- sumption, Louvre ; Madonna (2), National Gallery, London ; Madonna (2), Hermitage. Lanzi, i. 465 ; Ch. Blanc, I^colo ombri- enne ; Burckhardt, 660, 765, 770, 784, 795. SATAN CALLING HIS LEGIONS, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Royal Academy, London. Subject from Milton's "Paradise Lost" (Book I.). Satan, though fallen, exhibits all the ferocious energy and violent dignity of his character, in strong contrast to his attendant, Beelzebub, whose figure is marked by dejection and despondence. Royal Acad- emy, 1797. Gower, 41 ; Williams, Life of Sir T. L. (London, 1831), i. 170. SATTERLEE, WALTER, born in New York, Jan. 18, 1844. Genre painter, gradu- ate of Columbia College, pupil of the Na- tional Academy and of Edwin White, and in Palis in 1878-79 of Leon Bonnat ; sketched in Italy, France, and Brittany, and painted several months in Rome. Is well known as an illustrator. First exhibited at the Na- tional Academy in 1868. Elected an A.N. A in 1878 ; Clarke prize, National Academy, 1886. Studio in New York. Works : Morn- ing among the Flowers (1870) ; Coquette of the Olden Time (1873); Out for a Ride (1874) ; His Eminence the Cardinal (1877) ; Contemplation (1878) ; Extremes Meet 117