Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/158

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SATYR (1881) ; Convent Composer (1882) ; Turkey Girl, Votive Offering (1883) ; Far from the World Vain Thoughts Begone, Arab Sheik, Oh for the Wings of a Dove (1884). Water- colours : Solitaire, Old Ballads (1878) ; Two Sides of a Convent Wall, One of the Fates, Waiting for Fishing Fleet (1884) ; The Old Garden (1885) ; Festival of Flora, Winter Watering Place, The Cronies (1886). SATYR AND PEASANT, Jacob Jordaens, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; canvas, trans- ferred from wood, H. 6 f t. x 6 ft. 3 in. Il- lustration of an old fable. A traveller, be- numbed with cold, having entered the house Satyr and Peasant, Jacob Jordaens, Old Pinakothek, Munich. of a satyr as the latter was about to sit down with his family to his meal, was invited to partake ; but when the satyr saw him blow his fingers to warm them and his porridge to cool it, he turned his guest out of doors, saying he would not entertain one who could blow both hot and cold. Formerly in Dusseldorf Gallery ; replicas in Amster- dam and Brussels Museums. Engraved by James Neef ; Lucas Vorsterman. R6veil, xi. 766. SATYRS, picture. See Ariston, Nico- machus, Protogenes, Timanthes. SAURIAS, Greek painter, of Samos, early period. According to Athenagoras (Legat. pro. Christ., 14) he invented the first step in the art of drawing, by tracing the out- line of the shadow of a horse in the sun. SAUTAI, PAUL EMELE, born at Amiens, Jan. 29, 1842. Genre painter, pupil of Ro- bert-Fleury, Jules Lefebre, and of cole des Beaux Arts. Medals : 1870 ; 2d class, 1875 ; 3d class, 1878. Works : The Sacred Stair- case in 1868, Prison of Subiaco, Pilgrims before a Chapel (1870); Fra Angelico Paint- ing (1872) ; Sacred Door of St. John Late- rau, Chapel of Acheropita in Rome (1873) ; Day before an Execution in Rome (1875), Luxembourg Museum ; St. Bonaventura (1878), Nantes Museum ; Dante in Exile, St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1880) ; Fra An- gelico, Interior of Church of Lavardin (1882), Luxembourg Museum ; Door of Church (1883) ; Prayer (1884). SAUZAY, ADRIEN, born in Paris ; con- temporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Jules Andre and of Pasini. Medal, 3d class, 1881. Works : Views in Normandy, on Banks of the Seine, and around Paris (1863-78) ; Road of Pont-de 1'Arche at Cri- quebceuf (1874), Havre Museum ; End of Autumn (1879) ; Pond of Villiers, Honfleur and Villerville (1880) ; Saint-Jean Lande at Douarnenez, Hamlet of Plomarc'h (1881) ; Pond of Vaugoing (1882); Coursimont Farm Sologne, Breton Woman in Port of Bafleur Manche (1883). Bellier, ii. 471. SAVERY, ROELANT, bom at Courtrai in 1576, died at Utrecht in 1639. Flemish school ; landscape and animal painter, broth- er and pupil of Jacques Savery, the young- er ; went early to Germany under the pat- ronage of Emperor Rudolf H, who sent him to study for two years in the Tyrolese Alps, and for whom he painted many land- scapes in the Prague Gallery. After Ru- dolf's death in 1612 he settled in Utrecht, where he entered the guild in 1627. Works : Orpheus charming the Animals, National Gallery, London ; do. (1623), Amsterdam Museum ; do., Hague Museum ; do., Ber- lin Museum ; do., Darmstadt Museum ; do., Utrecht Museum ; do., Hermitage, St. Pe- tersburg ; do., and Rocky Landscape (1610), Paradise (1628), Woodland, do. (1609), Land- scape with Birds (1621), Orpheus trying to 118