Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/166

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SCHEFFER of Eurydice, Galerie Chambert, Blois ; Greek Exiles on a Rock looking toward their lost Country, Museum Fodor, Am- sterdam ; Count Eberhard of Wtlrtemberg cutting the Table-Cloth, Eberhard the Weeper, Rotterdam Museum ; Giving Alms, Raczynski Gallery, Berlin ; Dante and Be- atrice, Mr. Hemming ; Christ weeping over Jerusalem, Mr. Robert Barnes ; Return of the Prodigal Son ; Christ Teaching Humil- ity, Mr. John Aikin. Portraits : Boranger (1828) ; Odilon Barrot (1832) ; Duchess of Elchingen (1832) ; Artist's Mother (1835- 39) ; Marshal Ney, Duke of Elchingen (183G) ; Artist (1838) ; Franz Lizst (1839) ; Madame Heine (1841) ; Rossini (1843) ; Lammenais (1845); Madame Guizot(1847) ; Henri Martin (1850) ; LordDufferin (1853) ; Princess Wittgenstein (1855) ; Manini (1857). Art Journal (1858), 223, 252, 370 ; Bellier, ii. 474 ; Ch. Blanc, I5cole francaise ; Ch. Lenormant, Ary Scheffer (Paris, 1859) ; do., Beaux Arts et Voyages, i. 278 ; A. Etex, Ary Scheffer (Paris, 1859) ; J. Canonge, Pradier et Ary Scheffer (1858) ; Hofstede de Groot, Ary Scheffer (Bielefeld, 1870) ; Mrs. Grote, Memoir ; Hamerton, French Painters, 42 ; Immerzeel, iii. 62 ; Kramm, v. 1458 ; Larousse, xiv. 341 ; Perrier, Etudes, 80 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1859), i. 129 ; ii. 126 ; iii. 40 ; C. C. Perkins, American Church Re- view, April, 1872. SCHEFFER, JOHANN BAPTIST, born at Mannheim in 1773, died at Amsterdam in 1809. History and portrait painter, pu- pil of Tischbein ; went early to Holland and settled at Dordrecht. In 1809 he won the competitive prize for historical painting, with his Admiral Jacob Simon sz de Ryk in Prison. Works : Interior, Rotterdam Mu- seum ; Emperor Joseph II, Three other Male Portraits, Darmstadt Museum. SCHEFFER, HENRI, born at The Hague, Sept. 27, 1798, died in Paris, March 15, 1861. 1 French school ; history and genre painter, brother of Ary Scheffer and pupil of Gue- rin. L. of Honour, 1837. Works : Don Juan Asleep in Haidee's Lap (1825) ; Char- lotte Corday protected from the Mob (1830); Unfortunate Family (1830), Ki'migsberg Mu- seum ; A Protestant Preacher (1831); Mme. Scheffer and her Children (1847) ; Dream of Charles IX. (1855); Battle of Cassel, Joan of Arc entering Orleans, Versailles Museum ; Portraits of Carrel (1830), Arago (1837), and Thierry (1840) ; The First Born, Rotterdam Museum ; etc. Bellier, ii. 475 ; Revue des Deux Mondes (1843), ii. 271. SCHEFFER VON LEONHARDSHOFF, JOHANN, Ritter, born in Vienna, Oct. 30, 1795, died there, June 12, 1822. His- tory painter, pupil of Kreithner, an inferior painter ; was sent to Italy by Prince Salm- Reifferscheid in 1815 and 1817, when he painted Pope Pius VH. ; and visited Rome again in 1820, where he was befriended by Overbeck, whom he had taken for his mod- el. Works : St. Cecilia playing the Organ, St. Ludovico (1820) ; St. Cecilia bewailed by Angels (1821), Vienna Museum. Andre- sen, iii. 80 ; Wurzbach, xxix. 49. SCHEIB, CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH, born at Worms in 1737, died at Hamburg in 1810. Genre painter, pupil of Johann Konrad Seekatz, whom he imitated success- fully ; travelled through France, and settled in Hamburg, where he died in the poor- house. Works : Conflagration at Night in a Village (2), Schwerin Gallery. Schlie, 570. SCHEINS, KARL LUDWIG, born at Aix-la-Chapelle in 1808, died at Diissel- dorf, Oct. 23, 1879. Landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Jo- hann Wilhelm Schirmer ; painted mostly woodland and mountain scenes of a mel- ancholy character, somewhat monotonous in composition, but original and lively in treat- ment. Works : Winter Landscape with Fig- ures, Diisseldorf Gallery ; do., Leipsic Mu- seum ; Fir Wood in Black Forest (1852) ; Winter Scene in Evening Light (1855) ; Moonlight (1857). 1S6