Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/167

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SCIIEITS SCHEITS (Scheutz), MATHIAS, born at Hamburg about 1640, died there in 1700. Dutch school ; history and genre painter, pupil at Haarlem of Philip Wouwermans, later formed himself after Ostade, Teniers, and Pieter van Laar. Works : Peasant Fam- ily at Dinner, Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Re- bekah and Eliezer at the Well, Musical En- tertainment, Battle Scene, Schwerin Gal- lery ; Battle Scene, Gottingen University ; Male Portrait, Cassel Gallery. Hamburger K. Lex., 217 ; Nagler, xv. 171. SCHELFHOUT, ANDREAS, born at The Hague, Feb. 16, 1787, died there, April 19, 1870. Landscape painter, pupil of Breckenheimer, and one of the most cele- brated and prolific modern mastera Member of Amster- '7S K ' dam, Brussels, Ghent, and Hague Acad- emies. Order of Lion, 1839 ; do. of Leo- pold, 1845 ; medals at Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent, and The Hague. Works : Winter Landscape (1815) ; Frozen River with Skat- ers (1823), Ghent Museum ; Landscapes (3), Amsterdam Museum ; Landscapes and Ma- rines (14), Fodor Museum, Amsterdam ; Coast View, Winter Landscape, Scheven- ingen at Sunset, Rotterdam Museum ; Win- ter Landscape, Ghent Museum ; do., Rac- zynski Gallery, Berlin ; do. (3, one dated 1858), Sheep driven through Village, Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Ice Scene with Skaters (1829), Konigsberg Museum ; Winter Scene (1835), Sea Coast with Huts and People, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Winter Land- scape, Weimar Museum ; others in Stutt- gart Gallery and Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Immerzeel, iii. 64 ; Kramm, v. 1470 ; Kunst-Chronik, v. 180. SCHELLINKS, WILLEM, born in Am- sterdam in 1632, died there in 1678. Dutch school ; history and landscape painter, trav- elled for several years in England, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany. Works : Departure of Charles H. from Coast of Hol- land ; Burning of English Fleet at Chat- ham, Six Collection, Amsterdam ; Sacking of Convent, Landing Place on a River, Co- penhagen Gallery ; Mountainous Landscape with Robbers and Soldiers, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; others in Augsburg and St. Pe- tersburg (2) Galleries. Dcscamps, ii. 181 ; Immerzeel, iii. 66 ; Kramm, v. 1472. SCHELVER, AUGUST FRANZ, born at Osnabrilck in 1805, died in Munich in 1844. Genre and battle painter, pupil at Osna- brdck of H. Neelmeyer, then studied in Munich, 1826-33, and _ - returned there in 1834. Af O 7 8 1 $ 2 Q Works: Battle of ^ ^ ' Hanau (1835), Konigsberg Museum ; Tyro- lese Cart on Mountain Road (1843), New Pinakothek, Munich ; others in Hanover and St. Petersburg Galleries. SCHENAU (Schonau), JOHANN ELEA- ZAR, born at Gross-Schenau, Saxony, Nov. 17, 1740, died at Dresden in 1806. Real name Zeisig. History and genre painter, I pupil of Bessler, and at Dresden Academy under Silvestre, who took him to Paris ; pat- ronized by the Dauphine, a Princess of Sax- ony, he formed himself in the manner of Chardin, Boucher, and Greuze ; was called to Dresden in 1770, made member of the Academy, then professor in 1774, and as- sistant director in 1777. His works, while full of imagination and skilful in compo- sition, are deficient in drawing. Works : Crucifixion (1790), Kreuzkirche, Dresden ; Pandora ; Icarus and Dscdalus ; Priam begging Achilles for the Body of his Son ; Allegory on Recovery of the Electress ; Old Man reading the Bible, Schwerin Gal- lery ; Young Lady dancing before Mirror, Weimar Museum. Nagler, xv. 181. SCHENCK, AUGUST FREDERIC AL- BRECHT, born at GKlckstadt, Holstein, 127