Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/177

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SCHMIDT Flight into Egypt ; Alpine Carters ; Dealer in Sacred Images ; Mendicant Monks ; Col- lection of Confessions ; Judge of Morals (1873) ; Removal of the Protestants of the Zillerthal ; Smugglers ; Flutist and Peasant Woman ; Festival of the Parson's Cook (1874) ; Betrothal (1879) ; Legendary Pict- ures, Villa Tschavoll near Feldkirch ; His Lathered Reverence, Repairing the Damage (1882) ; Salvation (1883) ; Blind-Man's-Buff (1884); Forsaken (1885); In the Picture Gallery (188G). In fresco : Three Marys at Christ's Tomb (1859), Cemetery, Innsbruck. Allgem. Kunst-Chronik, viii. 279, 377 ; ix. 244 ; Ulustr. Zeitg. (1874), ii. 343 ; (1877), i. 10 ; (1883), i. 315 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 386 ; xviii. 649 ; six. 352 ; xx. 279 ; xxii. 37 ; Kunst Alle, i. 103, 224 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xii. (Mittheilungen, v. 8) ; xix. 131. SCHMIDT, HEINRICH, born at Saar- brtick, Rhenish Prussia, about 1740, died in 1821. History painter, studied in Italy, where he spent most of his life, chiefly at Naples. His works show the influence of Raphael Mengs and of the French school. He was much employed by the Grand ducal court of Darmstadt. Works : Artemisia bv the Ashes of her Husband (1785), View near Rouciglione in the Campagna (1792), Adam and Eve listening to the First Thunder, Di- ana and Callisto, Daughter of Jairus, Darm- stadt Museum. SCHMIDT, JOHANN HEINRICH, born at Hildburghausen, Feb. 11, 1749, died in Dresden, Oct. 28, 1829. Portrait painter, son and pupil of Johann Thomas Schmidt, Saxon court painter ; travelled in Italy and France ; became court painter in Dresden . in 1775 ; visited Russia and different Ger- man cities. Member of Dresden Academy in 1795. Works : Assembly of Princes in Pillnitz (1791); Princess Augusta of Saxony (1783), Dresden Gallery ; Pastel Portraits of Napoleon, Suwaroff, Nelson, Archduke Charles, and others. Nagler, xv. 343. SCHMIDT, KARL CHRISTIAN, bom in Stuttgart in 1808. History painter, pupil in Stuttgart of J. G. von Milller, in Munich of Cornelius, and in Paris of Ingres. Pro- fessor at Stuttgart Art School. Works : Annunciation to the Shepherds (1839) ; Mary and St John at Christ's Tomb (1844); Judgment of Christ (1861), Stuttgart Mu- seum ; Resurrection (1864). Muller, 471. SCHMIDT, MARTIN JOHANN, born at Grafenworth, Nether Austria, Sept. 25, 1718, died at Krems, June 28, 1801. History painter, first instructed by his father, a sculptor, then studied after the great mas- ters. Several of his works may be seen at the Vienna Academy, and in the Gallery at Gratz. Mayer, Der Maler M. J. Schmidt (Vienna, 1879). SCHMIDT, MAX, born in Berlin, Aug. 23, 1818. Landscape painter, pupil of Ber- lin Academy and of Karl Begas, Karl Kril- ger, and Wilhelm Schirmer. Travelled in Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt in 1843-44 ; visited the Ionian Islands in 1847, Rome in 1853, Italy arid England in 1861 and 1870. Became professor at Weimar Art School in 1868, and at Ki'migsberg Academy in 1872. Member of Berlin Academy. Gold medals, Berlin, 1858, 1868 ; Medal, Vienna, 1873 ; Orders of Crown, Red Eagle, and White Falcon. Works : Schwarza Valley, Berlin Art Union ; Evening in Provence (1850) ; Four Periods of the Day (1852) ; Seraglio Gardens (1853); Moonlight on the Sea, and Forest Scene (I860) ; View of Nice (1861) ; Terracina (1863) ; Wood and Mountain (1868), Spree in Sultry Weather (1877), National Gallery, Berlin ; Woodland Soli- tude (1871), Approaching Storm on Amber Coast East Prussia (1878), Konigsberg Museum ; Coast near Smyrna, Schack Gal- lery, Munich ; Swamp, Cologne Museum ; Tempest on the Sea, Rostock Museum ; Pastoral Scene, Dantzic Museum. In fres- co : Scenes in Egypt and Greece, New Mu- seum, Berlin. Jordan (1885), ii. 203 ; Mul- ler, 472 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 328. SCHMIDT, WILLEM HENDRIK, born at Rotterdam, April 12, 1819 (?), died at Delft, June 1, 1849. Genre, history, and portrait painter, pupil of G. de Meyer. Travelled in 137