Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/178

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SCHMITSON Germany in 1840 ; became professor at Delft, Academy in 1842. Works : Portrait Group of Young Ladies, Wealth and Poverty, Mar- riage Contract (1838); Monk comforting Sick Woman (1839); Children's School, Confession (1840); Last Moments of a Monk (1842); Monks in Meditation, Einilie of Nassau, daughter of William the Silent, Eotterdam Museum ; Charles V. receiving the Extreme Unction, Ravene Gallery, Berlin ; De Pro- fuudis (1845), Cologne Museum; Dutch School Room, New Pinakothek, Munich. Immerzeel, iii. 70 ; Kramm, v. 1480. SCHMITSON, TEUTWART, born in Frankfort, April 18, 1830, died in Vienna, Sept. 2, 18G3. Animal painter, self-taught ; went about 1850 to Diisseldorf, in 1856 to Carlsruhe, in 1857 to Berlin, visited Italy in 1860-G1, and settled in Vienna. Painted especially horses. Gold medal, Brussels, 1861. Works : Tartar Horses in Snow Storm (1863), Gsell Gallery, Vienna ; Thirsty Cattle, ib. ; Transportation of Hungarian Mares, Raveno Gallery, Berlin ; Shying Ox- en (1864) ; Roman Cattle-Drivers (1868 ?) ; Hungarian Horses shying before Upset Ve- hicle, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Tartar Horses shying before Dead Horse. Wurzbach, xxx. 327 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ix. (Mitthei- lungen, ii. 23). SCHMITZ, ADOLF, born in Cologne; contemporary. History painter, pupil of Stiidel Institute, Frankfort ; formed himself after French and Belgian masters. Works : Christ and Judas, The Widow's Mite (1854) ; Emperor Henry HI. challenging Henry I. of Lorraine ; Bishop John of Speier protecting the Jews ; Emperor Max on the Martin Wall. In fresco : Entry of Princess Isabella into Cologne in 1235, Legend of Marsilius, St. John's Festival in Cologne (after Pe- trarch), Gtirzenich Saal, Cologne ; Dance of Elves in Titania's Dream, Pringsheim Man- sion, Berlin. Miiller, 472. SCHNEIDER, HERMANN, born in Mu- nich, June 16, 1846. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy, and in 1864-67 of Pi- loty ; lived for several years in Italy, greatly influenced by his sojourn in Rome. Works : Last Moments of Mother of Louis XIV. (1867) ; Nymph and Satyr, Charles V. at VaUadolid (1869) ; Venetian Banquet (1870) ; Audience in the Munich Grottenhof (1871) ; Van Dyck painting Children of Charles I. (1876) ; Duel on the Sea (1877) ; Venus and Cupids (1878), Leipsic Museum ; Journey of Charles V. to San Tuste ; Unlike Spouses (1881) ; Sick Actress (1882) ; Cycle of Bac- chus (1883), Banquet Hall in the Drachen- burg near Konigswinter on the Rhine. Miiller, 473 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 59, 307 ; xix. 183 ; xx. 704 ; Leixner, Mod. K., i. 105. SCHNEIDER, JOHANN KASPAR, born at Mentz in 1754, died there in 1839. Land- scape and portrait painter, pupil of Franz Josef Heideloff (1676-1772), but mostly self-taught by careful study of nature ; worked in Mannheim, Erfurt, and Mentz ; also painted altarpieces. Works : Wood Landscape by Moonlight, Darmstadt Mu- seum ; Old Castle on a Rock on the Rhine, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Night Scene in the Woods (1786), Oldenburg Gallery. His brother Georg was also a good landscape painter. N. Necrol. der D. (1839). SCHNETZ, JEAN VICTOR, born in Ver- sailles, May 15, 1788, died in Paris, March 15, 1870. History and genre painter, pupil of David, later of Regnault, Gros, and Ge- rard. Early abandoned the classical school, and going to Italy after 1824 painted scenes from the life of the people with much suc- cess. Member of Institute, 1837 ; appoint- ed director of the French Academy in Rome in 1840 ; lived in Paris in 1847-52 ; again director in Rome in 1852-66 ; L. of Honour, 1825 ; Officer, 1843 ; Commander, 1866 ; Knight of the Papal Order of St. Gregory in 1847. Works : Good Samaritan, Jere- 138